Invoice link unsafe message.

Lynda4Lynda4 Member Posts: 1

Invoice link to client is getting 'Outlook has detected an unsafe link' when clicking on link... how do I resolve this?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Lynda4.

    A few email providers, firewalls, anti-viruses and email clients automatically mark the emails from our generic email address as unsafe, or as spam. The best way to prevent this is to ask your customer to include that email address,, on any safe list or "white-list" they may have, and scouring their unsafe list "black-list" to locate and remove this email from there is extremely helpful to ensure these get through correctly.

    That should solve the problem. Let me know whether or not it helps!

  • FlopbotFlopbot Member Posts: 27

    This is still happening as of 9/20/2021 with Gmail. I understand this isn't being done by Wave, but isn't there something that could be done proactively by Wave to help resolve / limit the likely-hood of this from occurring?

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