Account balance does not update after deleting transactions

NiiNii Member Posts: 4


I deleted some deposit transactions but my account balance did not reduce. i entered those transactions again and it increased the account balance. deleted again and the figure stayed the same :s
When I calculate all the transactions i have entered so far, the figure is different from what wave is showing.
The general ledger in the reports however has the right figure.

edited June 5, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Nii.

    There is an issue where the balance of accounts on the Accounting page doesn't refresh when a new transaction is added or removed. We're working on resolving this right now, but you should be able to refresh it manually by refreshing the page.

    edited June 5, 2018
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