Change of income account is not updating in Income Statement.

Multimedia_EditorMultimedia_Editor Member Posts: 1

This is my first time posting in the Wave Community and I hope someone can help please.

I recently sold some of my fixed assets and the invoice and receipt have already been sent out to the customer back in February. However, I just realised that the income from this transaction is not recorded in the correct account.

I found the way to edit this invoice and change the income account to 'Proceeds From Sales of Assets' but the Income Statement somehow does not update this change.

edited June 5, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Multimedia_Editor.

    Changing the account linked to that product on the Products and Services list won't change past invoices. You could edit that invoice, remove the products as they are, add the products again (which will now be attached to the right income account) and save it. Just make sure everything is priced the same.

    Let me know if that helps!

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