
Bank transactions not importing

tormcgrawtormcgraw Member Posts: 3

My bank shows that it should be importing with the green button on. My transactions are not importing. I have toggled off and on and clear cache.

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tormcgraw.

    Both bank connections on your account seem active and working. Have you tried clicking the Update Now button on the Bank Connection page?

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    tormcgrawtormcgraw Member Posts: 3

    Yes I have. It is not automatically importing my transactions to the transactions section under "Accounting" but the balance on the banking section is correct

    edited June 8, 2018
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    FerdausFerdaus Member Posts: 13

    Any resolution on this matter?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tormcgraw and @Ferdaus.

    You could try removing and adding the connection again. That sometimes helps.

    If it doesn't, there's unfortunately little more we can do. You can read a bit more about bank connections, and about why issues like these surface, here. Because we use a third-party provider for our bank connection system, we have little direct control over fixing bank connection issues. We do report errors and issues, which our data provider fixes following their own priority order.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tormcgraw and @Ferdaus.

    I did a bit more investigating, and here's what I found.

    @tormcgraw, I'm seeing that the bank you're struggling to connect with is Frost Bank. It seems like their website is experiencing technical difficulties, which is causing communication issues with our data provider. Can you tell me if you're able to connect from this page?

    @Ferdaus, your Bank Islam connection is failing because the website was updated and our data provider has not yet corrected the login link. They'll be fixing that following their own priority order. I can't tell you exactly when that will be resolved, but if you need help uploading your bank statements manually in the meantime, I'm happy to offer my assistance. As for your CIMB connection, I know that a lot of other users have experienced the same problems with this bank. Can you check if your able to connect from this page?

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    FerdausFerdaus Member Posts: 13

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @tormcgraw and @Ferdaus.

    I did a bit more investigating, and here's what I found.

    @tormcgraw, I'm seeing that the bank you're struggling to connect with is Frost Bank. It seems like their website is experiencing technical difficulties, which is causing communication issues with our data provider. Can you tell me if you're able to connect from this page?

    @Ferdaus, your Bank Islam connection is failing because the website was updated and our data provider has not yet corrected the login link. They'll be fixing that following their own priority order. I can't tell you exactly when that will be resolved, but if you need help uploading your bank statements manually in the meantime, I'm happy to offer my assistance. As for your CIMB connection, I know that a lot of other users have experienced the same problems with this bank. Can you check if your able to connect from this page?

    Yes @Alexia, the CIMB link above is available for login. It's ok with the Bank Islam. I have created a new current account with other bank.

    Thank you for your assistance.

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    FamLeeLifeFamLeeLife Member Posts: 2

    My bank connections seem to be active and working on the Connections page. They are green and importing. They are up to date and balances are correct. But, I am missing last month's transactions on the Transactions page and the balances are incorrect, not up to date.

    edited September 8, 2018
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    FamLeeLifeFamLeeLife Member Posts: 2

    I was going to try turning off importing and turning it back on again, but I get this message when I go to turn it off. What exactly are the "negative effects?" g

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @FamLeeLife,

    It's difficult to say what might've happened to your transactions from last month. The bank connection system is not perfect and frequent reconciliation is the best way to prevent errors. I recommend taking out your bank statement for that period and comparing it to your transactions page to see exactly which transactions and to add those missing transactions.

    As for the warning message, it's there to point out that disabling a bank connection will effectively stop transactions from being imported into your Wave account in the future. Some users might not necessarily realize that they will need to either record transactions or upload bank statements if they want their bookkeeping to remain correct and up-to-date. This message is there to make sure that they are aware that disabling a bank connection can potentially have consequences. It sounds like this shouldn't be a problem with you, as you will simply choose another method to record your transactions.

    I hope this helps!

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    CKrausCKraus Member Posts: 3

    Hello! I'm having this exact problem with my credit card through my bank. All of the other accounts through the same bank are fine. The credit card balance displays accurately through that Bank Connections screen, but I can't get the actual transactions to enter into Wave. I would very much appreciate some help in figuring it out!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @CKraus . Thanks for bringing this to the attention of our team here. I have gone ahead and manually pinged our data provider from our end to see if this helps start importing transactions for you -- you should see them importing within 24 hours and if not, please let me know so I can do some further investigating on my end.

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    CKrausCKraus Member Posts: 3

    @JamieD, thanks for your efforts so far!
    Unfortunately, it looks like it hasn't changed anything...I can see the correct amount on the dashboard and reflected in the balance of the bank connections page but the transactions themselves don't show up in the account transactions. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the individual account as well as the entire bank connection and have had no luck with either approach. Is there anything else I should try before further investigating is done?
    Many many thanks for your help!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @CKraus. Thanks again for confirming this information for me. I have gone ahead and sent you a support ticket email so that we can further investigate what could be going on here. Please take a look when you get a chance and we can go from there.

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    GP24658uGP24658u Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for a great platform!

    I'm having an issue with importing bank transactions:
    I have several accounts with my bank. I linked the business account to my business profile in Wave and everything was working fine. Then I saw you can have a "Personal" profile on Wave, so linked my personal bank account to that. Now that imports transactions perfectly, but the business transactions have not imported since. In "Chart of Accounts" it says that indeed the last transaction shown is from several days ago, but I can see on my banking profile that there have been several since then. Am I missing something?

    Many thanks!


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    GP24658uGP24658u Member Posts: 2

    @GP24658u said:
    Thanks for a great platform!

    I'm having an issue with importing bank transactions:
    I have several accounts with my bank. I linked the business account to my business profile in Wave and everything was working fine. Then I saw you can have a "Personal" profile on Wave, so linked my personal bank account to that. Now that imports transactions perfectly, but the business transactions have not imported since. In "Chart of Accounts" it says that indeed the last transaction shown is from several days ago, but I can see on my banking profile that there have been several since then. Am I missing something?

    Many thanks!


    I may have solved my own problem. I think it's that the missing transactions are still "pending" on the bank side. I'll wait a few days and see what happens.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GP24658u - glad to hear that! If the transactions hadn't hit the bank yet, this could definitely be why. But let us know if they never showed up!

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    MiniYogiMiniYogi Member Posts: 1

    Hello, My problem is most of my transactions are in Wave but not all so therefore the balance in Wave is different than my bank. It's pretty intermittent. Why is this happening and I hope I don't need to go thru and enter these missing items individually? I am new at this so have imported 2+ years of transactions, once it matches if I have to enter the occasional hand entry it won't be too bad but now it will be a long process.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MiniYogi . To start off, welcome to Wave and the community, we're glad to have ya :) With what method did you import your 2+ years of transactions? Bank Connections will normally only import up to 90 days worth of transactions, so our users typically opt to use Wave Connect or the .csv uploader to import the transactions prior to that.

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    WillGetITDoneWillGetITDone Member Posts: 2

    Good morning, I'm having a similar issue. I hooked up 4 accounts from 3 different banks and only a few transactions imported. It's been about a week. The banks are Capital One, PNC and Chase. Recent Transactions since April 3rd when I first connected have not imported. Any ideas?

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    WillGetITDoneWillGetITDone Member Posts: 2

    Come to find out, transactions are not coming in to Wave for another business I'm managing, that also uses PNC bank. With 2 different Wave accounts, it looks like a system issue. Thanks for any information you can offer. Thank you.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @WillGetITDone. As of right now, there aren't any reported/known issues with PNC Bank but I'm just wondering if you could confirm that you've gone through all of the troubleshooting steps that are outlined in this help centre article here; https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003087843-How-do-I-troubleshoot-my-bank-connection- -- if so, I'm happy to look into your bank connections issue a little bit further here.

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    KellySeredaKellySereda Member Posts: 1

    My issue is similar, I have several bank accounts and a credit card connected to my wave account and while the credit card has shown as being connected and reports the correct amount in Wave, none of the transactions have automatically updated since Jan 01. I have gone through, downloading the statements since Jan 01 and added them manually, but haven't done the latest so as not to create duplicate records in case it starts to download again. Any tips to getting it going again would be helpful. Thanks

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @KellySereda, thanks for reaching out and I am sorry to hear that you are having some issues with your bank connection. At a start I recommend taking a look through this Help Centre article, which has some bank connection troubleshooting steps. If this doesn't resolve things then you may be interested in Wave Connect which is Wave's official add-on for Google Sheets and can also help you getting your transactions into Wave. I hope this helps! :smile:

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    noahfnoahf Member Posts: 2

    Same issue here for weeks. Wave keeps saying no issues reported, but it seems everyone is having the same issues suddenly.

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    wonjiwonji Member Posts: 3

    Hi there!

    I've recently had issues with my bank connection not working.

    Up until two weeks ago, it's been working perfectly.

    The error message I receive is:

    "Your login credentials are incorrect. Please edit your credentials and re-enter your username and password. Tip: Check your caps lock, and ensure there are no spaces typed after your password."

    When I try to edit the connection, the 'Username and Password' form stays blank and shows the loading circle indefinitely. The fields to enter a username or password never load or appear on screen.

    When I try to add a new connection, after clicking connect, nothing happens.

    I've tried various things:

    • Confirmed login details are correct, via bank website
    • Tried adding new bank connections with various different banks
    • Tried various browsers and PCs
    • Tried clearing cache
    • I can confirm that a friend's Wave account, connected to the same bank and account types, set up identically, is working without issue.

    After trying all these things, I'm inclined to believe it may be an account issue rather than a Bank, device or browser issue.

    Just wondering if there's anyone here that might be able to help shed some light on how to fix this?

    Thank you!

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @noahf . Which financial institution are you with? We can check to see if there are any ongoing issues. I'd also take a look at the Help Center article that Zoe posted above as it may help you get your connection re-established.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @wonji . Which financial institution are you trying to connect to?

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    wonjiwonji Member Posts: 3

    Hi @alexlewiszarkos. I think someone at the Wave team must've looked into my account, because it started working again right after your response.

    Thank you so much, you guys are awesome!

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    KCREKCRE Member Posts: 1

    I have connected four different bank accounts of which only SBI(corporate account) is loading up the recent transactions. For the rest (SBI-personal, HDFC and Syndicate bank) the first import I had done on 6th of May is where the last transactions stop. There haven't any more imports after that though these accounts have been used quite actively. I have tried to update but in vain. I am pressed to find a solution to this asap else I will have to opt for another accounting software which I really don't want to as I am comfortable with Wave. Please help.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @KCRE. In this situation, I do feel like it would be in your best interest to file a support ticket with us so we can further investigate what could be going on here: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/requests/new -- we can often help with particular troubleshooting steps and if all of them fail, we can further escalate up to our data provider to find out what could be happening/get closer to a resolution.

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