
Cannot Get Paid with Credit Card Past due Invoice

AudyAudy Member Posts: 2

Need Help. Have customer wanting to pay with credit card. Sent invoice with payments on. Could not pay. Deleted invoice..sent new one..still cannot pay. Wanted to let him pay over the phone..but could not get button to turn on option for me to let him pay. What am I doing wrong.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Audy.

    I'm more than happy to help! I saw the ticket you posted, and it seems to me that when you are setting up your invoice, you click on the switch for Payments that says "On". If that button says "On", that means payments are already enabled and clicking it will turn that off.

    Payment options on the invoice override those set for the entire business. So if you're payments are turned on by default, pushing the button on the invoice will stop your client from being able to pay it online.

    Let me know if that clears things up!

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    AudyAudy Member Posts: 2

    Ok, Thank you for your help. So, now not clicking the On button. Did not touch (it says on) and still not able to get paid. But still not able to to charge customer in step 3 to get paid. Customer will pay me on phone but button to charge credit card is not opening.

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    AudyAudy Member Posts: 2

    Ok..just got off phone with customer. I sent him invoice. Online Payments Says: ON when I sent it. He open invoice. He said with me on phone that if offered credit card payment. He opened it to pay and it went to ACH not allowing him to pay credit card. I went into settings and both credit card and ACh payments are on with credit card being first option. Also,in step 3 to get paid. I cannot open "Charge a Credit Card" to allow him to pay over the phone. Let me know if this is clear.

    Looking at several past due invoices..they all will not allow credit card to pay or to get paid on step 3 to offer over the phone processing!! No answers for two days.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Audy.

    My colleague Phil just answered your ticket. Please follow-up with that ticket in matters concerning this issue. I understand that this is a stressful situation, and I can promise you that we are not taking it lightly.

    In the future, please only post once on the Community for one given issue. Posting multiple times only splits our attention and slows down our service to all Wavers. We also ask, for the same reason, to not post about the same issue on both the Community and through a ticket. Thank you.

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