Customise Payment Reminders/Receipts



  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @djflorian I'm in 100% agreement with you (especially the last statement as well). If we have a more all encompassing, catering to specific business needs with features available such as this, it would definitely push our users to our paid products. I'm happy that we can both fully digest where we're coming from, and these are the types of conversations that we should strive to have if we want progress on adding features in Wave. Once again, I do appreciate the feedback that you've given here and when/if we have any updates to provide in this thread, we will do so as soon as possible.

  • pnoblepnoble Member Posts: 2

    I'd like to add my vote for this feature. Customisation of reminders and the text for sending invoices in the first instance would go along way to making this already awesome program more time efficient :D

  • Paul_UKPaul_UK Member Posts: 2

    Here is one more VOTE for Customisation of reminders.

    Can an admin advise if this has been added to a roadmap for development?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Paul_UK I've just spoken to the Product Liaison regarding this feature. I'm afraid that this isn't going to be something released in 2019, but it could be something that we explore in 2020 (we still have yet to have an exact ETA for this).

  • MetatronMetatron Member Posts: 2


    I have been searching for this feature and I don't know if Wave has this kind of feature.

    Is it possible to customize the message on reminder emails?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Metatron! I've merged your question into a thread that's requesting this feature. As Jamie has stated above, this could be something that we look into in 2020, but will not be possible before then. Thanks for your patience!

  • MetatronMetatron Member Posts: 2

    @ConnorM Thank you for merging to a similar post and appreciate it.

    Looking forward to this feature :smile:

  • FrencheverydayFrencheveryday Member Posts: 1

    I would love to see the payment receipt template customizable as well. As a very small business too, I want to address my customers using the contact name rather than the client's name. Furthermore, I use their first name, not first name, last name. This would make it amazing.
    A wave in French would be awesome too.
    Thank you!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Frencheveryday

    Though our template is not customizable, when you open the desktop version of the app and click on send receipt:

    and you can change the name of the user and the message in the receipt as well!

    I do understand that you're looking for full customization of the template, and I apologize that this isn't a feature available in Wave.

  • AbsoluteAUAbsoluteAU Member Posts: 2
    Is there a way to customise the email sent out with the invoice instead of the default invoice email?
    If so, can we have multiple templates for different types of invoices?

    Also a custom reminder would be great too.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AbsoluteAU , no way to customize these at the moment, but I'v e merged your thread into this one to add a +1 to the feature idea. Thanks for this feedback!

  • LoveLove Member Posts: 2

    Please enable this feature.

  • VernitaVernita Member Posts: 1

    I would just like to express my need to have a customisable email template for receipts. I know I can customise the email when it is sent but it is quite a job having to do it for each receipt.

  • gaadgaad Member Posts: 1

    Wave is a great product but seriously limited by the inability to customise the receipts.
    Embarrassing thanking people for their business when it relates to a cemetery burial!
    Would be useful to have templates that could be altered for each of the Wave functions

  • MariosMarios Member Posts: 1

    I need to have control of payment receipts, is it possible to have my receipts numbered as invoices?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Marios

    Our receipts function for invoices is not this customizable at this time in Wave. It's not possible to download your receipts and store them in such a way at this time!

  • Wholy_Chip20Wholy_Chip20 Member Posts: 1

    Hi there,
    Any progress in the customization of reminders? Our customers are businesses we work with weekly and a 3 day reminder, followed by another 4 days later is just too heavy handed (especially during a pandemic with thousands here struggling), impersonal and requires individual customization. We would benefit greatly with a 7, 14 and 30 day option. Maybe adding 2 or 3 options would be helpful if we cannot get customization? Also, I agree with other commenters on the verbiage. Ideally customizable, based on the clientele, would be ideal.
    Thank you!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Wholy_Chip20 !

    Thanks for reaching out about this and letting us know how this can benefit both you and your business. With that being said, and for full transparency, building out our reminder feature is not on our current product roadmap. Sorry about this. Please note that we are not dismissing your feedback as we often revisit our existing features. Once again, thanks for reaching out !

  • Boris27Boris27 Member Posts: 2

    Hey there Wave team,

    seeing this is not on your roadmap, but a feature that is heavily needed by your users (for 5 years already), would you be able to create a new trigger in your Zapier app?

    At this time, there are two triggers available: "new customer" and "new invoice". I believe adding a new trigger "invoice due date met" would solve this problem, as users can then use Zapier and generate a reminder from their own Gmail or Outlook accounts (and customize it anyway they like).

    I am sure adding a new trigger would be way easier then developing an entire reminder system in Wave Apps.

    Thanks, and looking forward to your reply.

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