
Date column per item

DrDocDrDoc Member Posts: 2

When I add an item on to an invoice, is there way to add the date to each item?

edited November 12, 2019 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


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    Dante_BulluckDante_Bulluck Member Posts: 52 ✭✭

    @DrDoc I always just add it in the description. There's no way to add new columns, so adding the date to the description is the way to go.

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    DrDocDrDoc Member Posts: 2

    Ok thanks.

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    MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    @DrDoc, do you mind expanding on why you want to add a date to the invoice line item? Is this specifically for clarity between you and your customer for work completed OR do you want to use that date for future insight / grouping of work?

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    jkbjkb Member Posts: 3

    I have never seen an invoicing application that does not allow for a date column for service line items. It is commonly used to reflect the date that the service was performed.

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    UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    @MitchellGillespie said:
    @DrDoc, do you mind expanding on why you want to add a date to the invoice line item? Is this specifically for clarity between you and your customer for work completed OR do you want to use that date for future insight / grouping of work?

    Hi Mitchell,

    This type of date is called as Serve Rendered Date.

    Generally in the country like Germany its a land rule to mention the Service Rendered Date in the invoice per item/service

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @jkb and @UHRP3, for your clarifications!

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    thebookkeeperthebookkeeper Member Posts: 5

    I also require date per item for medical invoices. I would like this feature added.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion, @thebookkeeper.

    Is this a requirement for your clients, or is there specific insight you'd get from that information?

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    post78post78 Member Posts: 16

    This addition would solve one of my requests as well as shown in a previous thread. Thanks!

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    othelloblokeothellobloke Member Posts: 2

    This is absolutely crucial. I can't use this app until this feature is added.

    When you work for a huge client with hundreds of employees - you have to put the date so they can more easily track client requests.

    Some clients of mine don't accept bills without a date for each item.

    When will this be done?

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @othellobloke, I'll pass on your feature request as well to our Product Team. I can't make any promises regarding implementation, but as a number of people have requested it hopefully they can take a look at adding this feature. As such unfortunately there isn't a timeline. One possible workaround for the time being is to edit one of the columns in Settings > Invoice Customization option (likely the unit number) to change it to date. Alternatively, you could add the date to an item description when creating an invoice.

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    ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @thebookkeeper @othellobloke @post78 could you tell a bit more about why description is inadequate? We have some ideas on how to improve this, but rather than jump to conclusions, would like your input on the deep need for a dedicated column. How does date rank against "Agent" or "Person" who rendered a service?

    You can imagine the more dedicated columns, the harder to render a professional and beautiful invoice for all the scenarios our users find themselves in around the world, on desktop, mobile, and PDF. With your input, we can try to get this right without becoming bloated or cumbersome.

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    othelloblokeothellobloke Member Posts: 2

    The description is inadequate for a couple of reasons:

    1. Putting the date in there forces people to type out the as opposed to picking from a date picker (like Paypal).
    2. Some clients (of mine) re-enter the line items in my invoices into their own stuff. Without a date column this makes it far more work for the client having to search through each description. Following a column down the invoice makes it easier for everyone.

    PayPal allows people to disable/enable the date column. Their invoices work flawlessly - I'm trying to give my business to you.

    I work for a client where I do multiple items from different dates. It's completely impractical to type out the date for each one. I'm waiting for this feature to be implemented and then I'll switch from PayPal to Wave for my invoices.

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    jkbjkb Member Posts: 3

    Suppose I need to report on the number of hours I have spent performing a particular service over a specific date range. Perhaps I would like to compare year-over-year mileage totals for a period of peak annual business. There is no practical way of achieving these things without a date column. I hope that Wave can trust that their users will still be able to produce a "professional and beautiful invoice" with the addition of an optional but extremely functional date column.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @jkb @othellobloke Thanks a bunch for providing us some detailed feedback here. These are the types of comments we need to hear in terms of determining what we can do to implement such features or how we can best create workarounds that would be sufficient in your businesses accounting success.

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    RentalSystemsRentalSystems Member Posts: 1

    In the coaching field we invoice clients at month end, but provide the services each day. So the invoices would read such as:
    Date Feb. 10 2019 / Item 20 minute cardio session / Price $25 / Quantity 2 / Amount $50
    Date Feb. 13 2019 / Item 30 minute weight lower body / price $40 / Quantity 1 / Amount $40
    and so on until the end of month, then we would send one invoice to client with the details of each session. We currently use Quickbooks and this date feature is available and quite easy to use.

    We have some contractors that send us an invoice and then an Excel spreadsheet for the detail. This seems like extra unnecessary work to me.

    I think this would be a great feature to incorporate into the Wave product as many coaches working independently or for sport associations bill their clients in this manner.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thank you so much for the feedback as well, @RentalSystems !

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    X_intuitX_intuit Member Posts: 1

    Was shocked that this feature is not available. A requirement for 1 of my clients. For my use currently with Quackbooks I have a running open invoice, with services added when done. 1st of ea month I review and then submit it to my client. Client can clearly find the date column and if any service was questionable they would have a date to review security cameras. Gives my client the security of knowing they can check my honesty.

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    Kam_BrainchKam_Brainch Member Posts: 1

    I too have come over from Paypal where having a date picker was an essential feature. Extremely disappointed that Wave does not have this and adding it within the description box just does not have the same impact. For me the unit box is not needed and having that for date would be fantastic.

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    MegHMegH Member Posts: 1

    Chiming in here. Need the date column. Many clients require this as a separate column. Wave could really improve invoices by letting us customize the columns more: add a column if needed and rearrange the order of columns by dragging. Most of my clients require that I use their template / format for invoicing. Because I can't customize in Wave more, I have to create 2 invoices per actual invoice: one that I make in Wave to keep my books straight and the other that I send to a client. Please help! I love a lot of Wave but I'm considering just paying for something like Quickbooks which I can manipulate better. Thanks!

    edited April 26, 2019
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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for sharing your insights @MegH!

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    JmanJman Member Posts: 1
    Adding my vote. Date column is an important field on invoices.
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    BWHCIBWHCI Member Posts: 2

    This is deeply disappointing. I just spent hours converting all my data from Quickbooks and setting my accounts up in Wave. First time I try to set up an invoice, I find out this feature is missing. I run a consulting business. All of my clients require dates for services!! I honestly can't believe this feature is missing. Every other accounting package I have tried has this most basic of features. I have to admit I didn't think to look into this point until after I converted.

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jman thanks for your vote here! @BWHCI thanks for your feedback as well. We appreciate that moving your data over and setting up on a new platform is time consuming, so I understand your disappointment here. From the current information I have, this function will not be available in the near future but it is something that is being looked into! For the time being the workarounds provided in this thread will have to be used to enter the dates in.

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    KzuKzu Member Posts: 1

    I was going to switch from Quickbooks but this is a dealbreaker. Too bad.

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    socalwipsocalwip Member Posts: 1

    I'm surprised and disappointed that this feature is not available. For legal professionals Date Service Rendered is required. I was all set up to use Wave. Now I can't. :-(

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    flavorgraphicsflavorgraphics Member Posts: 2

    Also wish this was a feature! :(

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    CAFCAF Member Posts: 1

    It has been over a year and this feature is still not available. I have only been using Wave for a few weeks and my customers have brought to my attention that the weeks of services rendered is missing from my invoices. I don't know of anyone that can use invoices without dates of services provided. Please fix this. The whole point is to have an automated invoice, not one I have to remember to go in and change the description every other week.

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    BekiBeki Member Posts: 8
    > @BWHCI said:is this not something you can add to each service line as part of the description?
    > This is deeply disappointing. I just spent hours converting all my data from Quickbooks and setting my accounts up in Wave. First time I try to set up an invoice, I find out this feature is missing. I run a consulting business. All of my clients require dates for services!! I honestly can't believe this feature is missing. Every other accounting package I have tried has this most basic of features. I have to admit I didn't think to look into this point until after I converted.
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    annehopeannehope Member Posts: 1

    Unfortunately I also just discovered that this feature is not available, and I cannot use Wave for my small business until it is enabled. Please!!

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