
Date column per item



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @annehope . This isn't currently on our short-term roadmap for things to add to the platform, but we'd love to hear how your business would benefit from having this implemented. Basically what do you do, and how would this help? Having information like this allows our product team to see how features like this would actually have a positive impact for our users when prioritizing future improvements.

    In the meantime, you can add dates to the item description which should allow you to accurately display when a service was rendered.

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    jkbjkb Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alex, you can find feedback from numerous customers from the past year and a half about how they would utilize and benefit from this feature here:


    What is the process for feature requests with Wave?


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jkb Hi John. Looks like you linked the same thread that you're already posting in. We always encourage user feedback on how this would directly affect your business so that when our Product team comes looking through the forums for new features that truly need implementation, they have an idea of the real world affect.

    As mentioned above, our Product team is constantly looking in the forums for feature ideas to implement within the software. This real world take away definitely helps argue a real case of a feature which is why we continue to ask for this info.

    In addition to this, we do pass on ideas to the team that we receive through other channels of communication.

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    DebbietealeDebbieteale Member Posts: 2

    Gotta say it's deeply disappointing that this feature hasn't been installed for users by now. Just reading through all the comments, and it appears that even though there's a large call for it, developers have failed to understand it's a basic requirement for invoices. Unbelievable.

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    katphilkatphil Member Posts: 1

    We provide delivery services. We cannot invoice customers through Wave until the date of service option exists. Our customers match our invoice against their records before paying. It is completely impractical to type the date in the description for hundreds of items on one client invoice, let alone hundreds of clients.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @katphil

    My apologies that our invoicing system does not suit your specific business' needs! We appreciate your +1 on this feature request though!

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    bolanrintbolanrint Member Posts: 1

    Unbelievable that common and necessary feature is not available. I will have to move back to QB.

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    ChirpieChirpie Member Posts: 3

    I joined for the sole purpose of bumping this thread and one-upping every spot that mention this feature. I had the same experience as others. I had set up an account, and I'm finding myself not using it because of this crucially missed feature. Any and all efforts to consider this feature are greatly appreciated.

    edited March 25, 2020
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    ShaneSPMShaneSPM Member Posts: 1

    I have a consulting business that I bill monthly for. This feature is very much needed as i find myself having to do an explanation sheet or work summary for each invoice.
    Service date/Service description/units or Hrs/ unit price/ line total

    I may have 80-100+ lines per client billed monthly, being able to add line date would be helpful and logical!

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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @Chirpie @ShaneSPM thanks for taking the time to explain how this feature would be integral to your business. We don't have any immediate future plans to have this but our Product team reviews all feedback and these posts help strengthen this feature request!

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    LOls01LOls01 Member Posts: 2

    I too joined just so I can +1 every response on here. This is the one major pitfall of using this software for invoicing and honestly, I am shocked it isn't a feature.

    As a small business owner who works throughout the month for a core group of clients, I put a date on every line item of my invoices. This is what my clients and I prefer in a semi-monthly invoicing method.

    While putting it in the notes area is do-able, it isn't entirely user-friendly. I like it to appear first (where the item name is), which essentially means it creates a new "item" for each and every dated entry.

    It would also be nice to see what my invoiced hours were during a given time frame, which is where this feature would come in handy.

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    PoksPoks Member Posts: 1
    I'm a baker, our 90% customers pre order the items. Unfortunately Wawes doesn't have the delivery date option which is crucial for our types of businesses.

    Also I'm from Kuwait, the currency decimal should be 3 for KWD
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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @LOls01 @Poks When creating our invoicing software, we aimed to help as many businesses as possible, however, we understand that this means that the detail that certain industries or operational practices may not be captured in the invoice style that we have. While I understand that this is disappointing for you, I appreciate you sharing your feedback with us about how we can potentially improve the feature in future.

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    DiscoveryDiscovery Member Posts: 1

    Basically every other invoicing service in the world has a column for service date. I don't understand the technical challenge there seems to be for years now that this feature hasn't been added. It's almost like Wave is developed by a third party engineer and they can't afford to pay him to add 1 column to an already existing system. The response from the administrators on here is just depressing. It feels like Wave wants you to send one invoice per day for every service delivered on that date. I think if all the users started doing that instead of line items with service dates the system would crash, or the userbase would just shrink.

    edited June 27, 2020
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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Discovery , thanks for your feedback here. For context, our team has been focusing primarily on migrating our invoicing software on the back end from an old platform to our new platform. Now that this is completed, we're better able to work on feature ideas and improvements. Right now, for transparency, the team is working on invoicing changes which help with invoice organization and customer statements rather than the invoice format itself, so this is not a feature our team is currently working on. Thank you for sharing this idea with us and adding your voice to this conversation.

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    AE73AE73 Member Posts: 3

    Hi Wave,
    I, too, would like to add my voice to the many that the Date is essential when invoicing services.
    Our customers will not pay an invoice unless they can reconcile the date that the service was provided with their records. Manually adding the date to the "description" field is not a helpful workaround.

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    Bill_ABill_A Member Posts: 1

    I will chime in and request this, I don't want to type in the date every time and it would look odd. I need the date of the job in there, my clients need to see that.

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    martin_hannahmartin_hannah Member Posts: 1

    +1 on a date column, even if this was just implemented as a simple date picker and not integrated within the accounting searching/overview functionality it would be a huge help. Manually typing in dates sucks. This would just be an optional choice as part of invoice design, so I don't see how this would have any negative impact? If it helps, for context I'm invoicing for my services per day so having the date there really helps to clarify exactly what date/time period I am invoicing for.

    edited October 31, 2020
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    jamesburkeracingjamesburkeracing Member Posts: 1

    Add me to this list too. I invoice per day and I have to have that specific date associated with the day.

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    water_blaster20water_blaster20 Member Posts: 2

    when producing an Invoice, how do i add extra column to put extra detail for invoice purposes? to be frank, my business to collect payment for raw water. Every month my customer need to submit their meter reading in order for us to count Then, we need to detail up customer meter reading before and after to see the differences. with that, the differences need to time by rate given for example ($0.08 or $0.04) per cubic meter to get the value for the invoice. If there any way to solve our case?

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you for expressing your interest in this feature idea. We really appreciate you reaching out. For full transparency, Wave does not currently have this feature on our current product roadmap and we do not have an ETA as to when or if this feature will be implemented. With that being said, we are not dismissing your feedback as we frequently revisit/reconsider feature ideas. Sorry for the inconvenience and once again, thank you for expressing your interest.

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    Ashley_AAshley_A Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to add another request for a date column. Your software has been great for me except for this one issue that would make my life so much easier.

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    zgibszgibs Member Posts: 2

    Another vote for Invoice line Date.....

    Let's play a game, name another accounting software that doesn't have invoice line date?

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    PanimusCGPanimusCG Member Posts: 2

    So...3 years to add a column that pretty much everyone has and is maybe a whopping hour worth of development time (being generous) so let's mark it up to 2-3 hours, inclusive of testing and deployment. This is a wee bit on the ludicrous side.

    EDIT: And yes, I'm most definitely qualified to estimate the effort. Seriously - this makes invoicing pretty useless and a royal PITA for anyone delivering services.

    edited July 4, 2021
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    PanimusCGPanimusCG Member Posts: 2

    @Discovery said:
    Basically every other invoicing service in the world has a column for service date. I don't understand the technical challenge there seems to be for years now that this feature hasn't been added. It's almost like Wave is developed by a third party engineer and they can't afford to pay him to add 1 column to an already existing system. The response from the administrators on here is just depressing. It feels like Wave wants you to send one invoice per day for every service delivered on that date. I think if all the users started doing that instead of line items with service dates the system would crash, or the userbase would just shrink.

    There is no technical challenge unless they're more horribly inept than this whole thread indicates. This is trivial effort to add a column, throw some validation and be done with the matter. They've spent more time responding in this thread than it would take to actually do the work.

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    ourbusinessmattersourbusinessmatters Member Posts: 3

    We were shocked when we went to create an invoice and there wasn't a capability to enter # of service hours performed on specific dates. We provide services to clients and have 60+ subcontractors working for us that we have to bill our clients for. Our clients need to be able to double-check if the hours entered on their end match the hours we bill for on a daily basis vs a weekly basis. We have one project that we invoice weekly that we have 30 subcontractors working on and having to enter the dates & hrs in the description is tedious and time-consuming work. I've read multiple threads in these forums where over the past few years these date columns have been a request and I truly hope that this will become a priority for the development team. Even an ETA would be greatly appreciated as we would love to use WaveApps in the long-run but for business-like hours - it adds more of a burden / creates more work for us.

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