
Record receipts but don't deduct from account?

mlstlouismlstlouis Member Posts: 1

Right now I've just started using Wave as an alternative to the Excel file I was using to keep track of who had paid me and how much. Each project is typically a new client, but I'm not separating things out into projects currently, and I don't know that I need to(?). I like the idea of scanning in my business receipts, but I don't really want those deducted in the transactions/accounting feature. Is there a way to simply keep track of the receipts, but not deduct the amount?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mlstlouis.

    My suggestion, in that case, you be to create a second business and store them there, where they can't affect your accounting, even by accident. Here's how you can make a second business.

    Can I ask why you wouldn't want your receipts to feature on your accounting page? If I have more details, I might be able to suggest a more elegant solution.

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