Is there a way to search transactions by amounts?

Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

As far as I can tell, the search at the top of the Transactions page only searches descriptions. There have been times when I knew the transaction amount and wanted to search for all transactions for the same amount.

Is that not supported? Happy to add a feature request post, if so.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Just_Lurking.

    It isn't. The Search function only allows searching by description. There are currently no filters for amounts.

    Is that something you can imagine using often?

  • MussysiedeMussysiede Member Posts: 6

    I would use that function quite a lot.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Can you give me an example of a situation where you would use something like this, @Mussysiede, rather than searching by description or date?

  • MussysiedeMussysiede Member Posts: 6

    Hi Alexia, thanks for asking me!

    First example: I find a reciept for an item I have already entered into Wave and I want to add more detail to the transaction description, or even change where I might have allocated the expense to. Being able to search by amount would be a quick way to find that transaction.

    Second example: I have a lot of purchases that are usually for the same type of thing (eg: coffee). Being able to search for all purchases from the value of x to y and then being able to group classify them would save me a lot of time.

    Thats just off the top of my head, it's a function I used quite a lot in my old system.

    Love Wave BTW - thank you :)

  • MussysiedeMussysiede Member Posts: 6

    Sometimes you can't find your transaction be seaching using a description because the company name on a transaction imported from a bank statement is sometimes totally different to the name on a receipt - so that's another reason searching by amount is useful.

  • MussysiedeMussysiede Member Posts: 6

    ....and searching by date can be difficult. I import my bank statement, so the date on the reciept and the date of the transaction as recorded in my bank statement can sometimes be 4 days apart.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Those are some great examples, @Mussysiede! Thanks for taking the time!

    I can't promise that this feature will be added to Wave, but I will make sure your suggestion is seen by the right people.

  • MussysiedeMussysiede Member Posts: 6

    Thank you :)

  • xincomxincom Member Posts: 6

    I would second that feature in the future. I would definite use it, as I do in QuickBook.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion, @xincom!

  • nonanona Member Posts: 2

    I would love this feature! :) the current search works well but I find myself search for amounts when dealing w a stack of receipts.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for chipping in, @nona!

  • lexshanlexshan Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for this feature! This is very very basic and is one of the most time saving feature! I can't believe Wave doesn't have it. (Today is my day 1 on Wave, I come from QBO world.). Especially when you are investigating some old transactions, where all the info I have is an amount. This is a deal breaker.

  • pippaparfaitpippaparfait Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for this - I've lost count of the amount of times I've needed to do it and been unable to

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for adding to this conversation, @lexshan and @pippaparfait!

    @pippaparfait, can you think of an example or two for real-world situations where you could've used this feature? It'll give us more of an idea of the kind of impact this feature could have.

  • nonanona Member Posts: 2

    Alexia, some examples:
    -Reconciling the account. The account is off by a certain amount. In a lot of cases the issue is a single in-process item that could be easily found w a search by amount function.

    • I have a few receipts from two months ago because I am a little behind. I now have a number of transactions that have happened and downloaded since then. It ts really tie consuming to have try to find it by date, especially if you have to scroll awhile and "load more". The load more has to be re loaded if you leave the page.
    • If you want to know if you have paid a certain bill, searching by amount would quickly find the transaction. Instead I am filtering or searching by date. If I don't know the date for sure and am just trying to do a quick check, this gets frustrating. It is also hard to search by transaction description as some companies abbreviate them or use their parent company for example
    • If a small business owner only does the receipts every quarter it would save a lot of time when you are just going through receipts.

    I can see how this can be a deal breaker when trying to get away from QB, especially when you are so used to having it. I have noticed that the other search functions works really well as well as most of the software. Please consider adding this feature. Thank you!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much for following up and sharing these examples, @nona! I'll make sure to forward these to our developers.

  • CamanderCamander Member Posts: 6

    Hello Alexa - I will chime in that we are always trying to find things in a big pile of invoices, payment, checks - the more searching options the better! A real search on each column would be welcomed.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Camander,

    "More search options are always a good thing" is a pretty strong argument, to be completely honest! Thank you for chipping in on this discussion. We always appreciate the feedback.

  • vesper8vesper8 Member Posts: 4

    wait.. I don't understand.. where is the search you are all discussing? These comments are from just a few days ago and you're talking about a search box that I've never seen before. I'm on the transactions page and have looked everywhere and don't see any way to search for descriptions.. which would be a huge timesaver.. where is it?? is it a premium feature or something?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @vesper8,

    That search function is only available in the new version of Wave, to which your account hasn't been migrated to just yet. We're working on moving every user over to this new version as soon as possible, but we have to proceed carefully to ensure that the integrity of your data isn't affected by this migration. We're hoping to be done in the coming few months, but I don't have a more precise timeline to offer at this time.

    In short, this feature, as well as many others, are on their way. If you'd like to read a bit more about this new version of Wave and those features, check out this article.

  • vesper8vesper8 Member Posts: 4

    Hi @Alexia and thanks for your reply!

    Today it seems like I have access to the new version.. the one that just went live for everyone I assume.. the rebrand. Yet the search is still not visible to me.. is it only in the "new" new version ? ;)

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @vesper8,

    No, not just yet. Wave’s rebrand was a special and exciting project. This was an entirely separate update from our ongoing accounting feature update, coming from different teams across Wave.

    The update to your accounting features are still on the way and our rebrand has not changed that. We're still working hard to bring you those new features as soon as we can.

  • CSETTLECSETTLE Member Posts: 1

    I would also love to see the ability to quickly search by amount. I think in some cases it would help me feel better about avoiding a duplicate entry. The date a receipt has doesn't always match the date that my bank posts the transaction. Therefore being able to search the amount would be the quickest way for me to check for the item.

  • Angie_BWGBAngie_BWGB Member Posts: 2

    Totally agree. There must be a simple way to do this!

  • CanadaCoderCanadaCoder Member Posts: 3

    Let me add my vote for "Search by Amount".
    I have an entry on my bank statement for a deposit that isn't showing in Wave after I uploaded the statement. I want to find if it got misfiled by the wrong date. The description is just PREAUTHORIZED CREDIT which it shares with scores of other deposits. A search by number would let me quickly discover if it was in the system.
    I'm new to your product, and really impressed. But "Search by Amount" would be VERY helpful.

  • AM_StudioAM_Studio Member Posts: 1

    Hi! Yes, I would definitely use this function. Especially at tax time when I have a bundle of receipts in my hand (as I do right now!) and I want an easy way to see if they're already in my system or not :)

  • alwaysamusedalwaysamused Member Posts: 1

    Please add this function. I need it especially when a check clears the bank and I need to find the corresponding entry.

  • asterix_le_gaulasterix_le_gaul Member Posts: 2

    Hello, another vote to add this. I can't tell you how much time this would save. Thank you, Wave Team!

  • JKetterJKetter Member Posts: 2

    Seriously--why can't we search by amount?

    That's pretty basic functionality. Is this on the roadmap?
    Wouldn't it make sense to roll out a set of basic functionality that would be easy to code... and then focus on the more onerous features?

    The amounts/dates, etc. should all be in the relational database and upgrading the search functionality should be rather easy unless the whole system is built wrong.

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