Accepting Credit Card payments (Aus) ?

Sean120Sean120 Member Posts: 5

I wanted to send my first recurring invoice and accept payment via credit card. In the "get paid" step I can only see 'manual payments'.

Is this because it's the first one I've sent? Or because my business is in Australia but I'm sending it to a client in USA? Sorry if this got asked before - I read everything I could about this but still unsure!


  • Sean120Sean120 Member Posts: 5

    Ok, so I can see there's an email I get after sending the first invoice asking me to "turn on payments" however when I click the link from that I get a 404 error. Doesn't appear to be a way to turn on payments inside my account? :(

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Sean120.

    To be able to accept payments through Wave, your business' default currency, the currency of your home country and the currency on your invoices must all match. In your case, as someone operating an Australian business, you would need to use AUD as your default currency as well as invoice your clients in AUD.

  • Sean120Sean120 Member Posts: 5

    Ahh ok that makes sense. My default currency is USD but I am in Australia yes. Ok, so I can't really use this for foreign clients then. Thank you for clarification.

  • Sean120Sean120 Member Posts: 5

    So, I can just start a "new" business in my account, make the country USA, default currency USD and invoice a client in USD and I should be able to use the credit card features, correct?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Sean120.

    No, your business would have to be in the US, and have an actual address there, without which you won't be approved for payment processing. The country that you use for your business should be the country in which you pay taxes, and you have a business address.

  • Sean120Sean120 Member Posts: 5

    That's too bad. Thank you though :)

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