
Does Wave provides Sales report of each Product(Items)?

IshanIshan Member Posts: 1

Hi Guys,
Can anyone help to retrieve Sales Report of each Items I've sold. This will help me to get insights of Best Selling products and plan orders for next time.

Appreiciate your response soonest.


edited August 30, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Ishan.

    No, Wave doesn't currently have reports for individual products. To get around this, you could give each product its own income account instead. This wouldn't retroactively change the account of your items, but at least you could get the information you need for all your future sales.

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    comoxvalleyartscomoxvalleyarts Member Posts: 6

    Curious how one would assume this is the way (outlined above) to set up one's wave account BEFORE doing a ton of sales...

    Although there are many things I love about wave, I'm so surprised (and a little frustrated) by the lack of some basic accounting tools... properly accounted refunds and sales breakdown by product are pretty basic, aren't they? why have a products function if we can't get a report on the sales of them? Is this on the books to roll out someday?

    upside, the workaround of downloading all the data and sorting it in a spreadsheet works... but it's a lot more work than should be necessary. isn't it?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @comoxvalleyarts. I appreciate and value the feedback you've given here -- also discovering the workaround for this. We've had some discussions about generating a report for sales of Products & Services, but we still do not have an immediate timetable as to when this would be available to our users. In 2019, we want to address as many pain points as possible when it comes to utilizing our software and by making these features becoming more of a reality, we are listening to business owner workflows and how bringing this feature can improve your experience. Would you mind sharing your workflow?

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