Deleted transaction in export

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Duplicate transaction issue for some Wave users.


  • m1cr0ch1pm1cr0ch1p Member Posts: 18

    I deleted some transactions several weeks ago, but when I go to Settings > Export all data to Excel, these transactions are still showing up over there! Therefore, data exported to Excel is not reconciling with Wave. These should not appear in the data export - the fact that they do is a critical bug.

    edited April 30, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @m1cr0ch1p.

    Can you give me details about those deleted transactions? What kind of transactions were they? Can you confirm that they were deleted on the Transactions page and don't show up in your reports?

    Could you also grab a screenshot of the transaction page where those transactions would have been, as well as one from your exported file showing the transaction?

  • SMCSGSMCSG Member Posts: 5

    Hi Alexia.

    These are Accounting Transactions. Some problems I am seeing:

    1. Transaction ID 340631249578133000 was deleted from the Accounting module months ago, but yet it still shows up in the Data Export (Excel). It does not seem to show in the Reports.

    2 In the Accounting module, I updated the Transaction Description for Transaction ID 339939676594931000. When I do a Data Export (Excel) I see that there are two columns - Transaction Description and Transaction Line Description. Only the Transaction Description column is updated with the new value, while the Line Description still shows the old value. I cannot seem to find a way of changing this Line Description value. The Reports show the Line Description not the Transaction Description, so the Accounting module and the Reports are not in sync (ie showing different data).

  • iangl52iangl52 Member Posts: 1

    I have the exact same problem. Excel export shows deleted transactions.

  • SMCSGSMCSG Member Posts: 5

    @Alexia any update on these please? The above 2 points are serious data integrity issues which are causing problems with consolidation and reporting! Thanks

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @iangl52 and @SMCSG.

    I apologize for not getting back to you earlier, @SMCSG, we must've missed your reply earlier this month.

    Here's the good news! We're aware of this issue and have our engineers looking into it. I can't give an exact timeline as to when this will be resolved, but we are on it. Until it is, I strongly recommend relying on your reports rather than the data export.

    I will be following up on this post once I have more information.

  • SMCSGSMCSG Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Alexia . Any update on points 1 and 2 in my first post please? These seem like data integrity issues so we'd appreciate if they could be given priority. Thanks :)

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SMCSG.

    This issue should now be resolved! Can you take a look and confirm that for me? If you're still seeing deleted transactions or transactions as they were before being updated, let me know and I'll follow up with the developers on my end.

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