
A way to see all the times a customer viewed an invoice?

apercuapercu Member Posts: 2

The app shows the "last" time a customer viewed an invoice but not each time.

I have invoices that show they were "sent". Client claims that they only received the reminders. Now it shows last viewed as today. So either, there was an email problem on June 2nd and Wave didn't send the invoices (or they went to spam, but that wouldn't explain why the customer has later invoices in their inbox), or Wave did send the invoices but the client screwed up. I'd like to know which happened but I can't verify the date the client "viewed" the invoices initially (if they ever did).

So, is there a way to se more than the "last viewed" value?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @apercu.

    I can take a look for you. Can you send me the invoice number and your client's email via private message? I might be able to provide a bit more information.

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