
Bulk Edit for Payment Status

SunstarSunstar Member Posts: 2

Is there a way to bulk edit the payment status for multiple invoices from "overdue" to Paid ?

edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Sunstar.

    Can you give me a bit more context about your situation? If you're handling a single large payment that covers multiple invoices, we have a few workflows recommended here, depending on the details of your transaction.

    Otherwise, you'll have to record invoices as paid individually.

    With that said, I would still love to know more about your situation. In what context are you finding that you need to record payments in bulk?

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    SunstarSunstar Member Posts: 2


    We have various types of sale outlets some direct and some indirect/wholesale etc. We usually have different payment schedules for our indirect/wholesale buyers ranging from 15 days to 45 day after dispatch. So we usually check payments deposited to our accounts from these vendors on a biweekly basis and then need to update a bunch of invoices billed to multiple different parties.

    As of now we have to manually edit each invoice status. and were hoping if we could bulk edit a bunch of the invoices and flag them as paid.

    Also until now we were managing this outside of wave manually and have around 200 invoices that show up as overdue which have actually been paid. Looking for a easier way to update these for now. and also how we could select more than one invoice and set status as paid.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for adding a bit more details to your situation, @Sunstar!

    For now, you will have to record payments individually for each of those invoices, but I can see how that could be slow and frustrating. While I can't promise this feature will be built for Wave, I can tell you that feedback from our users has a significant impact on how we choose what to build next for Wave, so thank you for taking the time to provide yours!

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    RuairiRuairi Member Posts: 1

    Would love to see this feature too!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for adding your voice to this discussion, @Ruairi!

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