Expenses Pie chart (Dashboard area)

snappyfishsnappyfish Member Posts: 55

On the dashboard area the pie chart shows "other" as £84.26 for business expenses? I cant find anything that is not categorised so why does it state other?

edited June 27, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @snappyfish.

    that slice of the chart is a combination of smaller expense accounts for that period that do not represent much individually. They're combined on the pie chart for visualization purposes since having a few slices at 0.5% would make the chart difficult to parse.

    You can see more details in your reports. In the Profit & Loss report, click on "Details", and you'll see an account-by-account breakdown of both your income and expenses. You'll be able to see where that £84.26 is coming from on there.

  • TahzeebTahzeeb Member Posts: 2

    How to change the pie chart according to the period i want?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Tahzeeb . There's no way to change the pie chart as this is supposed to be a quick glimpse into your finances. If you want a more detailed look, you can check the Profit & Loss Report in the Reports page.

  • Lyme_n_LemerLyme_n_Lemer Member Posts: 2

    Thank you very much

    edited March 2, 2020
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