Emailing Receipts

PersephoneCPersephoneC Member Posts: 6

Hi, yesterday I tried emailing a receipt to the email address given for this, but my receipt hasn't appeared in my receipts pane. I know I've managed to make this work before so I just wondered if this feature no longer works and I should upload my receipts instead, or if there's a time delay on them appearing in Wave.
I tried it a couple times to make sure it wasn't a one off and submitted them as medium sized jpgs.
Thanks, Persephone


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PersephoneC.

    There can sometimes be a time delay for emailed receipts, and it tends to be less reliable than uploading from the web or from mobile as well. Did you send them from the primary email address linked to your account? If not, that would have stopped them from uploading altogether.

  • PersephoneCPersephoneC Member Posts: 6

    Hi Alexia,
    Thanks for your reply. I did use my primary email address so it would seem that it just didn't work this time. I've uploaded them from my computer instead and that worked fine.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for letting me know, @PersephoneC!

    I've done a bit more research and found that the receipt emailing feature was having some issues earlier this week. This has been resolved and your emailed receipts will make it through as we clear the receipt queue. If they haven't made it through yet, it shouldn't be much longer.

    Since you've already added your receipts in other ways, you can just delete those unvalidated receipts as they come in.


    edited June 29, 2018
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