Invoice 2 Go Processing Fees

I have recently had two seperate invoices received via Invoice 2 Go - They have taken out quite a large amount as a processing fee.
My question is, why is Invoice 2 Go involves with the processing of any of my Wave Invoices?
I don’t recall allowing or signing up with them and I don’t understand why Wave Accounting has a relationship with them.
Some insight would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance!
Hi, @Sophie.
Is this something that you're seeing on your Stripe dashboard? Stripe is a third party that integrates with both Wave and Invoice2Go for payment processing. If you have a Stripe account linked to both Wave and Invoice2Go, you'll see transactions for both on your Stripe dashboard.
If you have any questions about Invoice2Go's processing fees, you'll have to contact their support team. You can find their support page here.