Duplicate payments in a bill and wrong report

MarcK2MarcK2 Member Posts: 1


I've seen strange things lately:
In one bill, 3 payments were duplicated:

But I have only one transaction:

I've deleted the 3 payments and everything went back to normal.
To check it, I've also run the report "Purchases by Vendor" between two dates. I've seen that the date parameter doesn't affect properly the report:

Here all my bills are paid, but the report is showing a difference:

Because it is taking also the bills beyond the end date of the report.

How to use properly these two functions to avoid those problems.



edited June 29, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MarcK2.

    It's difficult for me to say what could have happened without having a full picture. I tried running an automated fix to see if it might help. If it does, you'll see a result within a few hours.

    I'm also going to send you a private message with a few follow-up questions.

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