Logged out of my account

UCMAScanningVale123_UCMAScanningVale123_ Member Posts: 2

Logged out of my account


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @UCMAScanningVale123_.

    Can you give me a bit more information about the issue you're facing? Wave does automatically log you out of your account after a certain period, but you should be able to log back in without issues.

    Are you having problems with your password? Do you get an error message when trying to log in?

  • nswadmin1011_nswadmin1011_ Member Posts: 1

    hi dear we do get the message of logging us out when we do the forget pass word the email never come to our email which is info.canningvale@ucmas.com.au or the other account info.riverton@ucmas.com.au was facing the same problem Thanks

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @nswadmin1011_.

    Could you share a screenshot of that message? It'll give me a better idea of what's going on and of how I can best help you.

    As for the password reset emails, they might be getting filtered into your junk or spam folder. Have you checked if they ended up there? If it isn't there, try adding add mailer@waveapps.com to your contact list or whitelist and requesting a password reset again. It should prevent your email service provider from filtering our email.

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