I haven't been paid last week...

Eric_71Eric_71 Member Posts: 2

Hello Wave team, quite difficult to get a hold of you. The accumulation of 2 weeks of work has not been paid last week Thursday Juin 30 th. We are almost a week latter. My boss at Evergreen Hardwood Floors tells me that the money has left his account yet I am still waiting to get paid. Can you enlighten me please on this situation? We are now wednesday July 4 th. Thank you in advance


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Erik_71,

    I took a look and your pay should be deposited in your account by Friday. Your employer's payroll was submitted a little late, and the statutory holiday earlier this week also would've caused a delay.

    Your pay is being processed and should be in your account soon.

    edited July 4, 2018
  • Eric_71Eric_71 Member Posts: 2

    What is late? When was all my payroll information submitted?How many days does it take to get paid after the payroll information is submitted? I'm trying to understand how this works, quite difficult living on a budget when your pay doesn't arrive on pay day and get paid once every 3 weeks... I dont think getting paid every 3 weeks is legal. Who's mistake is this !? As my boss is clearly blaming you at wave.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Eric_71.

    We appreciate that this is a difficult situation and that delays to your paycheck can have serious personal consequences. However, we aren't able to discuss the details of your employer's account here, so we'd recommend touching base with them for more information.

    We'd also be happy to reach out to them and ask them to contact you as soon as they can if you don't get ahold of them beforehand.

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