
Memorize transactions

MSRMSR Member Posts: 5

Is there any way to memorize a transaction in Accounting? I have a monthly transfer that needs to be split amongst 10+ categories, and it's a hassle to have to input each one by one every month. It would be easier to memorize the transaction and then change the amounts each month.

edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MSR.

    That isn't something that's currently possible in Wave, but I'd love to hear more about that transaction. Can you tell me more about it?

    I'm asking for more information because this seems like a fairly unusual situation, and i'm curious if it could be handled by a feature like recurring bills, which have been brought up multiple times here.

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    MSRMSR Member Posts: 5

    Sure. I pay certain expenses on a personal credit card for my business and basically file an expense report every month. Thus, I need to split each payment along a variety of different expense categories. They are they same categories every month. So being able to copy a transaction or the splits would be very helpful.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Well, good news @MSR! We just launched the ability to duplicate transactions on the Transactions page, as of a few minutes ago. Just select your last transaction and create a copy using the "Duplicate Transaction" button at the bottom of the "Edit transaction" panel.

    You can then change the date on the new one and you're done!

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    tomrossi7tomrossi7 Member Posts: 1

    I dont see "Duplicate Transaction" anywhere?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @tomrossi7.

    This new feature is only available on the new version of Wave, which you aren't using just yet. We're working on moving all Wavers over to the new version as soon as we can. We expect it'll be done in the next few months. All those new features are on the way!

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    isthiswhatyouwantisthiswhatyouwant Member Posts: 8

    Is This feature mostly used for entering journal transactions (by duplicating and changing the date on the copied transaction)? What other applications could it be useful for?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @isthiswhatyouwant.

    I can imagine it being used for duplicating common journal transactions, or complex transactions split into multiple accounts, as you've mentioned. It could be useful if you have to record payments for multiple identical invoices or bills (create clones of the payment and then assign them to the appropriate invoice/bills).

    @JustinA might be able to suggest a few more cases.

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    JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    Hi @isthiswhatyouwant,

    @Alexia summarized the common use cases well. For those with regular journal transactions it's a great little time saver, particularly for lengthier ones where there are a number of categories and amounts to add. Also helps to reduce the risk of an error in data entry.

    We're also seeing the function be used quite commonly to duplicate subscription fees and the like where the transaction is identical every month aside from the date.

    Hopefully this solution will make your life easier once we get you migrated to the new system.


    edited July 23, 2018
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    ktlktl Member Posts: 11

    @Alexia said:
    Well, good news @MSR! We just launched the ability to duplicate transactions on the Transactions page, as of a few minutes ago. Just select your last transaction and create a copy using the "Duplicate Transaction" button at the bottom of the "Edit transaction" panel.

    You can then change the date on the new one and you're done!

    This is a good feature but could you remove the "copy of " in the description field?

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ktl The word "copy" appears in the description to easily decipher where the transaction came from. If a transaction was duplicated in error, the "copy" note may help you to figure out if the transaction is a duplicate or if it was meant to be there. I hear that it adds an additional step to your workflow, and am curious to hear if other users are also finding the same. If so, let us know here or simply upvote this post.

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    birdjanitorialbirdjanitorial Member Posts: 1

    I dont see the "duplicate transaction" anywhere. We are 2 months down the road now. Is it truly available?

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    MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @birdjanitorial , welcome to the Wave community! It's nice to see you here! If you are not seeing the duplicate transaction button as highlighted in the screenshot below, it means that your Wave account has not yet been migrated to the newer version of Wave. The newer version of Wave is available for all new users with existing users being migrated over as soon as possible. Migration can take some time because we want to ensure that the integrity of the data being migrated is maintained.

    edited August 9, 2019
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    AJWAJW Member Posts: 1

    I offer different services that each have different fees. Is there any way to memorize the fees so that when I type a client's name, the fee is entered for the service. It would be very helpful not to have to enter all of the information every time. For example, in Quicken, when I typed the date and the first few letters of a client's name, the rest of the information came up and I only had to click on it and save it.

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