Annoying "feature"

cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

Ok, I just had to edit the amount of an expense I had entered recently because my bank takes a couple of days to move "Pending Transactions" to the normal transactions section (presumably this happens when the Vendor has "banked" their money; anyway, with foreign transactions, this can sometimes alter the amount slightly + only then do you see the foreign exchange fee.

But getting to the point, because I had to edit the "cents" part of the amount that means I had to remove the current "cents" part of the amount and enter the new amount in cents, now, a strange thing happened when I was doing this... I would delete the current two numbers after the decimal point and then proceed to enter the new numbers; once I did this I noticed it was entering the NEW numbers at the START of the amount; so for example:

Old Amount: 9.42

Now the NEW amount was say, $9.82, so I delete the "42" and enter "82" and then this was coming out as:

New Amount: 829

This confused me for awhile as I was wondering what was going on, was I doing something wrong with the keyboard or what? But then I noticed what was happening - the system automatically MOVES your cursor from the END to the START of the amount when you delete all the numbers past the decimal point and also removes the decimal point.

Now, I get removing the decimal point is trying to be helpful to make the amount valid, but it makes situations such as this a little harder to do - secondly, the more annoying "feature" is moving the cursor, I don't see any reason to be doing that - that's just annoying!

/Rant over :p


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @cyphix333.

    Thanks for bringing this up. I did some investigating and this was brought up in the past. Back then, we determined that it was an issue with how Chrome handled that specific field. Do you use Google Chrome? Can you try out Firefox instead and see if it causes the same issue?

    We'll also be investigating this on our end and see what we can do. Thanks again!

  • cyphix333cyphix333 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    You're right, seems to just be a Chrome issue, just tried it in Firefox and it works as you would expect it to, no removal of the period or movement of the cursor.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear that, @cyphix333!

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