Collaborator access to bank balance

martlant7martlant7 Member Posts: 2


I have just hired an accountant, and trying to add him as a collaborator but he can't seem to view my bank balance which is obviously a requirement! Anyone know anyway to get around this?



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @martlant7.

    Banking information can only be seen by the account owner, so information about your bank connection, or the account you receive payments to (if applicable) can only be viewed by you.

    Your accountant will be able to see the balance of your accounts as they appear on your reports and on your Transactions page, so if your bookkeeping is accurate and up to date, they'll have access to that information there.

    Otherwise, you'll need to give that information to your accountant outside of Wave if it is something that they need.

  • martlant7martlant7 Member Posts: 2


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