
Help?? Customer payment check image/copy storage?

sideflysidefly Member Posts: 10

How do I store a copy of the check a customer sends me? Is there anyway to link it to payment/deposit transaction? So here is my workflow.... I make a customer invoice, wait for payment, deposit payment, link bank deposit to the invoice.... I need a step that optionally attaches a copy or image of the check from the customer. Audit, audit, audit... I need to prove/validate payments all the time.

edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sidefly.

    This isn't currently possible to store those proof of payments on Wave, but Wave does keep track of when and how payments were made, as long as you record payments to your invoices properly.

    Can you tell me a bit more about the circumstances in which you find you have to validate payments this way? What kind of business do you run? Is this common practice for your type of business? The more information you can share, the better picture we'll be able to paint for assessing the impact of a feature like this one.

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    sideflysidefly Member Posts: 10

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @sidefly.

    This isn't currently possible to store those proof of payments on Wave, but Wave does keep track of when and how payments were made, as long as you record payments to your invoices properly.

    Can you tell me a bit more about the circumstances in which you find you have to validate payments this way? What kind of business do you run? Is this common practice for your type of business? The more information you can share, the better picture we'll be able to paint for assessing the impact of a feature like this one.

    I use WAVE to manage our home association account. We are small beans, so this prob won't hit the big league accounts. When we make deposits, our bank has one record of the deposit which we split in Wave to the appropriate customers. Our deposit is let's say $1000, but $250 is from each of four homeowners. I want to load an image of each of their checks as proof and attach it to their invoice.

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    sideflysidefly Member Posts: 10

    Maybe Wave could be modified to allow every transaction to accept attachments?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sidefly.

    It's been discussed a few times here on the Community and we know that it would be a useful feature for some of our users. I can't make promises, but I'll make sure to bring your feedback with our product team.

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    PBrooksMacPBrooksMac Member Posts: 5

    With the ever-progressing shift to a paperless office environment, the ability to add attachments to transactions, invoices, bills, etc. should just be the normal course of business.

    Not really a matter of validating...it's a matter of efficiency and organization.

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