Can't access Reconcilation section

BridBrid Member Posts: 2

Is anyone else having trouble accessing the reconciliation section? I haven't been able to get in since yesterday. It just buffers on both my computers, using different browsers, and also on my main business owner's computer which is miles away so it isn't my internet speed.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Brid.

    Are you trying to get to the reconciliation page of a business you're collaborating on? The reconciliation page can only be accessed by the business owner themself. As a collaborator, you won't even see the link in the menu.

  • BridBrid Member Posts: 2

    I'm a collaborator but I have the link to reconciliation. The only link I don't have is Banking.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Brid.

    I apologize for the mistake there. I checked it out with a test account using the wrong version of Wave. Again, I apologize.

    This can happen if there's a transaction under that account with an impossible date. Usually, it's because there was a typo on the year of the date for a given transaction (say, something was dated on July 25th, 208). The easiest way to try and find one of these is to order all your transactions on the Transactions page from oldest to newest and see if anything looks out of place.

    You can do this by clicking the "Sort" button on the top right. Let me know if that helps!

  • elmohrielmohri Member Posts: 3

    There is a new feature bank reconciliation, but I don't see it in my menu

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @elmohri.

    This is because you're still using the old version of Wave. We're working on moving everyone to the new version, which has a ton of new features and a snazzy new look, as soon as we can. We expect we'll be done with the migration within the next few months. Hang tight! Reconciliation (and more) is coming!

  • elmohrielmohri Member Posts: 3

    Can you do it for our account ASAP, I need the reconciliation as I have to do my CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN this month

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @elmohri.

    We can't prioritize specific accounts. There are features to finish and work to do before we can migrate the rest of our users, and we're migrating them in batches as soon as we can. Our priority here is to maintain the integrity of your data throughout the process.

    The reconciliation page only makes it easier for you to compare your balance on Wave to the balance on your bank statement. You can achieve the same by comparing the numbers for your bank account on your Balance sheet on a given date. If there is a discrepancy, you have to go through your transactions one by one and compare them to your bank statement with or without the Reconciliation feature.

  • elmohrielmohri Member Posts: 3

    Thanks anyway

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