Personal account for household expenses

cw16cw16 Member Posts: 2

Hi, I have set up an account as my company and a Personal account to account for my proportion of household expenses. It looks like I cannot set up a Sales tax for my personal account to claim for GST. Is there an easy solution? I normally only claim 10% of power, but 50% of the landline. How can I do this? Splitting seems not to be the solution. Any help would be much appreciated. Kind regards and thank you, Christine


  • Ellie_Writes_ThingsEllie_Writes_Things Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Hey, @cw16! I noticed you can't play around with sales tax on your personal page too, so I just made a second business with my personal expenses to keep a better eye on things. You end up with much more powerful tools to keep track of your own numbers that way.

    I know that Wave doesn't have a way to handle expenses that can be partially claimed (ahem, business meals in Ontario :angry:) so recording those is kind of a pain. I just calculate that manually. You can put in the amount of taxes yourself on the Transactions page or on receipts, so I do that, with a little help from a trusty calculator.

  • cw16cw16 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you Ellie_Writes_Things. I probably do it the same way. It is just a pain to do it again, but that is part of the learning process.

  • Ellie_Writes_ThingsEllie_Writes_Things Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    I feel that, @cw16.

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