MontiCoMontiCo Member Posts: 12

I have found an issue which seems to be actually a bad bug.
I have been recently issuing few invoices iin a foreign currency (AED). The ones in foreign currency show at the bottom the conversion rate and converted amount into base currency .
However, as I am preparing to file the quarterly sales tax, when I go in the "Sales Tax" report, the taxable amount for the foreign currency invoices shows in USD but the actual figure is the foreign currency!!! This completely messes up the report and makes it impossible for me to work out the filining report! It seems it is picking from the wrong field, or not performing the conversion back to base currency.
Can Wavefix this urgently as I have few days to file my report? How do I report the malfunction urgently?
Many thanks, Leonardo



  • MontiCoMontiCo Member Posts: 12

    I missed to mention that on the other hand, the actual tax amount shows correctly converted in base currency!
    Please help me!!!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MontiCo.

    We're aware of this issue and we are working on a solution, but I don't have a timeline to offer as to when it will be resolved. Unfortunately, you'll have to calculate this amount manually based on your other reports. I recognize that this is frustrating and time-consuming, but know that we're doing everything we can to resolve this as soon as possible.

    You can also calculate the taxable amount backwards by divided your amount of taxes payable by your tax rate (so if your tax rate is 13%, divide your taxes payable by 0.13). This will give you your taxable income.

  • MontiCoMontiCo Member Posts: 12

    Thanks Alexia for your letting me know, at least we know you are working on it.
    I hope it will be fixed soon!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    No problem, @MontiCo.

    Even if I can't tell you when it'll be resolved, I can confirm that it isn't an issue that's carrying over to the new version of Wave. We're working on bringing the new version to everyone within the next few months, so you won't have that long a wait even in a worst-case scenario.

  • DinisMachadoDinisMachado Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alexia,

    I just stumbled in this same error. Is it possible that it is not still resolved?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DinisMachado . This is still ongoing for the users on our older platform, although if you send me a Direct Message, we might be able to take a further look at this for you.

  • DinisMachadoDinisMachado Member Posts: 3

    Hi @alexlewiszarkos. And how can I access the new platform?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @DinisMachado . We're currently working on migrating our remaining users over to the new platform so that everyone is working off of the same system. No exact ETA as of right now but we're hoping the remaining accounts will be ready to migrate in the next few months. As I said previously though, if you want to send me a private message we may be able to get the bug sorted for you.

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