
Search by description

CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

You've been asking for this functionality, and we're happy to report the wait is over. Search transactions by description to group them to streamline your bookkeeping.

You can use this feature with the bulk edit functionality to quickly categorize, add sales tax, and mark transactions reviewed in one go.

What do you think of this feature? Has it been useful? Anything you think we can improve? Let us know below!



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    Ade050753Ade050753 Member Posts: 1

    Would be good to be able to search by sum in $

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    mkvmkv Member Posts: 1

    Does it work for personal accounts too?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    It does, @mkv, but it's only available in the new version of Wave, which you aren't using just yet.

    It's on its way! In a few more short months, we should be done with the migration and you'll find your account updated, and you'll get access to a ton of new features!

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    AnnaPaolaAnnaPaola Member Posts: 2

    this is FANTASTIC!!! It will save me so much time. :)

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    JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    @Ade050753 We'll be looking at making improvements to this functionality in the future. For finding transactions of a certain amount, would it be more useful to put the exact amount in search, or having the ability to filter transactions within a range of amounts?

    @AnnaPaola Glad you're liking the feature!

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    prmsssprmsss Member Posts: 13

    This isn't new, is it? I pretty sure I've had this for some time now. Hoped Wave would finally return items with a hit on content in the notes field - but it doesn't. Is this something you could think about enabling?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @prmsss.

    It's been available for a little bit now, you're right, but it hadn't been announced, and was still requested every now and again.

    We always welcome feedback and suggestions! Could you tell us a bit more about the kind of information you use the Notes field on transactions for? Can you give a real-world example of how you'd use that expanded search feature?

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    Purple35Purple35 Member Posts: 1

    @JustinA I am also in need of a search feature by dollar amount. I think it would be more useful to put in the exact amount and have all transactions with that amount be displayed. More often then not, I'm looking for a certain amount, not a range of amounts.

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    barttbartt Member Posts: 2

    Is search still available? I don't see it in the header of the transactions page.

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    topher217topher217 Member Posts: 11

    I am seeing the same absence of a search bar as @bartt

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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    @bartt @topher217 looks like you two are on our legacy accounting system. Once we get you folks migrated to our newest accounting system, you'll have the Search function from the jump. Wish I could give you more detail in terms of timelines here but migration is tricky and depends on many factors (i.e. how Wave is used, amount of data to move, etc.). We appreciate your patience greatly!

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    barttbartt Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the update @Tyler. Any chance to opt in to the new accounting system? Search is a crucial feature for us. Please let me know when you're ready for another beta tester.

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    danielmahondanielmahon Member Posts: 1

    @Tyler: We second what @bartt said :wink: . Also this doesn't happen to work with invoices does it? It would be a HUGE help to be able to search for line items of invoices.

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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    @bartt we're passed the beta stage currently as we are working on migration. Our Accounting Team's number one goal right now is to get everyone over so we appreciate your extended patience greatly. Their previous focus was feature parity as our legacy system had some niche features that weren't quite built so people would get some new stuff but then lose the things they depended now. Since that's done, onward to migration! :smile:

    @danielmahon noted about migration - I'll give them a good ol' Tyler style 'friendly reminder' ;) For your other question, through SALES > Invoices > All Invoices you can search by invoice number, date, customer name and status. No line item search there but you can see a Product & Service roster through SALES > Products & Services - understand it's not the same thing though so I will make sure the Product Team knows how much a line item search would help.

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    GarCardGarCard Member Posts: 6

    Wow, found this post from July and was wondering why I still don't have a search ability in Transactions. Any ETA on this? I'm not seeing it either...

    Would also love the ability to filter Transactions by Vendor.

    edited November 3, 2018
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    bdkaatbdkaat Member Posts: 2

    Really need this. Considering switching to a different accounting software because the legacy app I'm using now is slow and missing this huge feature. Without it, I have to go through way too many pages of transactions, it makes categorizing transactions extremely tedious.

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    bdkaatbdkaat Member Posts: 2

    Does the new system also increase the speed of loading pages, applying changes, etc?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @GarCard As Tyler mentioned above, we are still working on migrating all of our users to our latest software. This is our Accounting Development team's number one priority right now, and we're aiming to hit this goal near the beginning of 2019.

    @bdkaat It depends on the amount of data that is showing up on your transactions page. For example, if you're scrolling endlessly to the beginning of your transactions list, it may take a few more seconds to edit a single transaction rather than if the data was minimized. That being said, the update brought on a number of changes which includes more reliable usability.

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    CharlesBCharlesB Member Posts: 2

    @JustinA I am also in need of a search feature by dollar amount. I think it would be more useful to put in the exact amount and have all transactions with that amount be displayed. More often then not, I'm looking for a certain amount, not a range of amounts.

    Agreed. Ranges are sometimes useful (e.g. when trying to track down a foreign currency conversion with an uncertain exchange rate), but I suggest this should be a secondary option.

    The generally excellent Money Dashboard is an example of range-only searching. You can narrow the range to a fixed amount, but it's still a pain.

    And sortable columns please please please!

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    StevemStevem Member Posts: 5

    I second the comments about the search by amount feature. I see you are working on it. I think it is important to add an amount range feature for the following reasons: In reconciling, EG you have mistyped the date (which btw is very easy considering the unnecessary 2 step system for selecting dates); interpolation errors, EG You reconciliation is $34.60 out. EG Search for double or half the amount. debit instead of credit, EG You have too many Bank Service fees of $1.44 in the bank recon. Where have you duplicated? EG The amount is in the wrong account. You need to query anything to do with a date range.EG You think you have paid an account of about $400.00 but you can't remember the exact amount. I found the feature indispensable when using Quickbooks.
    I hope to see the updated version soon.

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    StevemStevem Member Posts: 5

    A second observation on the search feature. It would be great if the search could be located in the left sidebar. BTW I am seeing a tendency in some software to use the search field for everything from help to specific data descriptions.
    EG the feature in MS Word - What do you want to do... goes to date or to help depending on what want. Also, see how ZOHO handles help queries.

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    KirkKirk Member Posts: 25 admin

    @Stevem First order of business is we are getting all of our long-standing users onto the new platform. Some users have tens of thousands of transactions and we are meticulously making sure that everything comes over smoothly for them. In the coming months and quarters you will see lots and lots of improvements in search, speed, autocat, de-dupe, reconciliation, reports etc...etc... We are excited to bring this forward.

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    sweetcarolinesweetcaroline Member Posts: 3

    @Charlotte said:
    You've been asking for this functionality, and we're happy to report the wait is over. Search transactions by description to group them to streamline your bookkeeping.

    You can use this feature with the bulk edit functionality to quickly categorize, add sales tax, and mark transactions reviewed in one go.

    What do you think of this feature? Has it been useful? Anything you think we can improve? Let us know below!

    It would be very useful, if i can SORT transactions by Check # as well. As of now , it's only by date, and it's pain in the ass to go up and down the page looking for check #.

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    sweetcarolinesweetcaroline Member Posts: 3

    It would be very useful, if i can SORT transactions by Check # as well. As of now , it's only by date, and it's pain in the ass to go up and down the page looking for check #.

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    sweetcarolinesweetcaroline Member Posts: 3

    @sweetcaroline said:

    @Charlotte said:
    You've been asking for this functionality, and we're happy to report the wait is over. Search transactions by description to group them to streamline your bookkeeping.

    You can use this feature with the bulk edit functionality to quickly categorize, add sales tax, and mark transactions reviewed in one go.

    What do you think of this feature? Has it been useful? Anything you think we can improve? Let us know below!


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    april70913april70913 Member Posts: 1

    What are the little grey boxes that say "HST" under each of the transactions? Is that some type of classification? I have never seen them, or a way to add them before.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @april70913 This is for when you add a sales tax to a transaction in Wave. The way that you add them is by going to your Settings > Sales Taxes (and adding them as a recoverable tax so you can track them in your reporting). I feel as though these help centre articles should give you a bit more insight here; https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004972006-Adding-sales-taxes-


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    thedjmthedjm Member Posts: 2

    How is this still not available?

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    lodgilodgi Member Posts: 2

    Could you please say if it is also possible to search also in the "notes" section?

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @lodgi, thanks for reaching out! It is not possible to search by your notes either I'm afraid. You can search by the transactions that have notes associated to them however and the notes you have entered will be at the bottom of the transaction box.

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