
South African Payment Processor

sebenzasebenza Member Posts: 3

Good day, I absolutely love your app, it is unreal! I am looking to process payments through wave but I am based in South Africa - do you know when payments will be supported in South Africa and payroll for South Africa?

Thank you


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sebenza. Thank you so much for your interest, and for the love!

    I moved your discussion from Forum Rules to the Using Wave category. Please be mindful of the category under which you post your discussion in the future. Putting your thread in the right category ensures you'll get more visibility, which will help it get the attention it deserves, both from our team at Wave and from fellow Wavers.

    Payments outside of Canada and the United States are handled through a third party called Stripe. They offer payment processing services in many different countries, which unfortunately doesn't currently include South Africa. I can't speak to their long-term plans, but you can request an update on support for your country here. Once your country is fully supported, you'll be able to receive payments through Wave directly.

    As for our Payroll services, there are currently no plans to expand their reach beyond Canada and the United States. We're still working on perfecting what we offer in those two countries and until we do, we won't be looking further. We would love to expand eventually, but at this time, there aren't any concrete plans to do so.

    I know these aren't the most satisfying answers but know that we are working consistently to improve what Wave can offer you and your business.

    edited July 30, 2018
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