Transactions and Reconciliations


Hello Community: Bank transactions are showing up correctly in WAVE (yay), but when using the RECONCILE button I receive the following message: "NO RESULTS WERE FOUND. Try choosing a different date range or account." I've tried various date ranges, but to no avail. (boo). Hence my Statement Balance and WAVE Balance do not match. Any advice would be very helpful! Thanks!


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭


    I'm trying to get to the same error message on my end to find out what might be causing this problem and I can't replicate it. Can you share a screenshot of the reconciliation page with that error message showing? It'll give me a better idea of what might be happening.

    My first feelings are either that the end date you're putting in isn't within the month your reconciling (which Wave will stop you from doing), or that you might have a transaction somewhere with a date that doesn't make sense to Wave (which breaks reconciliation). Can you check if you have a transaction dated far in the past or far in the future? Sometimes, a typo on the year of a transaction can sneak in. You can easily find out by ordering your transaction from oldest to newest.

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