Transaction dates

RowanUGradRowanUGrad Member Posts: 1

Is there a setting available so that the transaction dates can appear as MM/DD/YYYY? Example, instead of 2018/07/30 it will appear as 07/30/2018


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @RowanUGrad.

    No, there isn't a way to change the date format on your Transactions page or on your report. They'll always appear as "2018/07/31" in calendar fields, and "July 31, 2018" elsewhere.

    Because the dates are written out this way on invoices and reports, it prevents a lot of possible confusion on the side of your clients or of your accountant.

    Is there a specific reason you'd like to your date formats this way? Is it just for your preference, because that's the standard where you live, or because your accountant requested it?

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