
Email or print bill / purchase order.

Xanadu_MuseXanadu_Muse Member Posts: 4

Hi there,

I'd love to be able to email or print a bill that I create. Although now I think about it, it is a purchase order. But in Wave I use the Bill to create what I need for records-keeping.

Briefly describe your business. We are a not-for-profit sporting club, and we collect racing memberships, insurance, and other sporting fees for our members, which we send to our governing body.

What is the business, financing, or operational problem that you are facing, that your suggestion is intended to address? To be able to create a bill that itemises our submissions for membership of the governing body. At present time, I create a spreadsheet which I then email to the governing body (my Vendor in Wave) with the purchases I need. I then create a bill in Wave to match, so the payment can be associated in the transactions.
What outcome do you see your suggestion creating - i.e. what would your suggestion enable in your business; not what would it look like in Wave? The ability to email the bill to the Vendor & myself
OK, now how do you picture this outcome being achieved in Wave? Use the same methodology as creating an invoice - create the invoice, approve the draft, email (or not), record the payment, email the receipt.
Who else do you think would find this outcome useful? Anybody who uses items - may be used as a purchase order.

edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Xanadu_Muse.

    Thank you so much feedback. Adding a feature like this one isn't currently on the roadmap for Wave.

    Most of our users operate businesses that offer a service, rather than products. While we are dedicated to always improving Wave, we do give priority to features that can help the biggest number of Wavers first, and that means that features that would be useful to businesses that sell products, like this or inventory management, aren't currently at the top of our list.

    It is by no means impossible that this we'll eventually build this for Wave, but not in the foreseeable future.

    If you'd like to read a bit more about how we choose what to add to Wave next, I recommend reading this post.

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    tjkearnstjkearns Member Posts: 1

    I run a services company that use sub-contractors and I record a bill (monthly) for each sub-contractor to record the liability, then pay the subs after I receive payment from my clients. I'd love to print the bill to include in the payment to the subs. At this point I have to do a "screen shot" and print from there so the subs have a record of what the payment was for. Printing directly would be a very nice enhancement. Can't imagine it's a large lift.

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    1afc1afc Member Posts: 2

    I have to say that I'm a bit staggered to find that Wave doesn't print/email bills but then that was topped when the Wave theory is that people/businesses who sell services don't buy anything and therefore don't need to print a bill!
    OK but now looking around again.

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    Jonathan_YJonathan_Y Member Posts: 2

    Please add the print / email bill feature. You may not understand how different accountants in different countries prefer to keep their records, but this is the way we need it here. It's quite disheartening not to have this feature as you already have a great platform. So many people have already asked you guys for this feature. I don't understand why it's so difficult to just add a Print / Email for the Bills we create. Hope you can take this into serious consideration as I am already recommending wave to a lot of free lance workers. ( And yes! they need the print / email bill feature too )

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Jonathan_Y, @1afc and @tjkearns, we definitely hear you on this and thank you all so much for taking the time to provide some context. Our product Team is aware that this feature is being sought after, we are listening! A lot goes into the planning and execution of new features or updates to existing ones, but your feedback is one of the main components.

    We will be sure to update this thread as soon we have ay new information.

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    Jonathan_YJonathan_Y Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much for your reply. You guys are doing a great job. Hope to be able to use this feature soonest.

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    DuffyFloveDuffyFlove Member Posts: 3

    Hello, is this feature to email / view bills coming soon?

    @ZoeC said:
    Hey @Jonathan_Y, @1afc and @tjkearns, we definitely hear you on this and thank you all so much for taking the time to provide some context. Our product Team is aware that this feature is being sought after, we are listening! A lot goes into the planning and execution of new features or updates to existing ones, but your feedback is one of the main components.

    We will be sure to update this thread as soon we have ay new information.

    edited October 16, 2019
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    SuzziSuzzi Member Posts: 1

    I agree with @tjkearns My company service clients and we use sub-contractors often. In order to properly report for tax reason, etc. we need to be able to send them copies of the bill details. Creating screenshots every time to print/email is not efficient. I thought you would have this as a basic payroll feature? Please add this feature soon, it will be much appreciated by many I am sure!

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    LYG_AmyLYG_Amy Member Posts: 1

    Hi there,
    I'm really hoping this feature gets added soon. It seems like a reasonable request. I would really like to send my contractors a professional looking document to summarize what I am paying them for.

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    bvulajbvulaj Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for adding this feature, please. I also want to be able to send me contractors a document showing them what I paid them for.

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    jthompsonjthompson Member Posts: 3

    Adding another vote on this feature request. My accountant requires a PDF document with all receipts supporting the expense. It would be great to have export as CSV/PDF like a user can do with Account Balances.

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