No Access To My Business Profile???? Please Help

JamrJamr Member Posts: 37

I have an account for over a year now and I now suddenly have no access to my "Business Profile" in the settings area.
I need to change my address and have no way to do this.

When I click on the Business Profile, it tries to open the page, then shows an error at the top of the page about incorrect data, then goes quickly to the Payroll Page.

This probably means that something has changed on my account that the page does not like. Or maybe everyone is having this problem and does not know it.
Unfortunately we have moved and all of our estimates and invoicing needs to show our new address and I have no way to change this.
Please help.
Thank you.

edited July 31, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Jamr.

    The "Business Profile" page in your settings is specifically for Payroll. If you look at the headers on the Settings menu, you'll see "Payroll" just over it. To change the address of your business, you have to click on your business' name in the top left, and then go to "Manage my profile"

    From there, you'll be able to change everything you need to be changed. In your case, click on "Businesses" and then on the pencil next to the business to modify. Change your address there and you're done!

  • JamrJamr Member Posts: 37

    That worked. Thank you.
    Maybe some feedback to the engineers to make the category headers bigger than that of its categories so lunkheads like me do not get confused next time.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    That's fair feedback, @Jamr. If you didn't see that header, it's on us for not making it clearer. I'll pass that along.

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