Sync Etsy New Transactions

MoMaltaMoMalta Member Posts: 1

Hi there,

I am loving the Wave app and have it linked to my Etsy store. Intially when I set it up it automatically pulled in any new transactions. I would now like to sync new transactions I have to pull them into Wave, is this possible?

Many thanks!


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MoMalta.

    There are a few issues with our integration with Etsy. We're working on improving it right now, but I don't have a timeline as to when it'll be working more reliably.

    My recommendation would be to download your statement from Etsy in CSV format and modify it to make it into a bank statement that can be uploaded to Wave. It's a bit of copy-pasting work, but it works very reliably. You can find the instructions to upload a CSV statement here.

    Just make sure that your CSV file follows the following format:

    01/01/2015, Description 1, -250
    01/02/2015, Description 2, 550.50
    01/02/2015, Description 3, -120.75

    I hope this helps!

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