
Bulk update transactions with category and payment account

MediPaperMediPaper Member Posts: 9

Hi, I have been using Wave to log my expenses, and one of the most time-consuming activities are "select a category" and "select a payment account" for each and every receipt every time.

The ideal would be that Wave would learn from prior indexing. But a few more simple hacks would help a lot, e.g. the ability to set a default payment account, and/or the option to multi-select transactions and assign all the selected transactions to a category and payment account at once.

Hope this can be updated for web and app.

Ow, and adding Tags here doesn't work swell either.


edited August 29, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MediPaper.

    Some good news, then! You can categorize transactions in bulk. From what I can see, you're on the older version of Wave, so here's how you do this.

    You'll have to select multiple transactions by clicking the checkbox to their left. Once that's done, click on the "Categorize to" drop-down menu, to the left of the Transfer button, on top of the page. Choose the right account and you're done! You can also do this in the new version of Wave. The process is a little different.

    You can't do this on the apps, since neither of our apps allows access to the Transactions part of Wave. We do have great plans for the future when it comes to mobile support, but I don't have details to share yet.

    Payment accounts still need to be selected manually when you create a transaction.

    As for tags, vendor and customer tags can't be added on the transactions page in the old version of Wave. You'll be able to do that on the new version. We're working on upgrading everyone in the next few months, so it's coming!

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    MediPaperMediPaper Member Posts: 9

    Hi Alexia, that is great. Only one problem. Before purchases show up in "transactions" I first need to categorise them in the 'purchases' section. And, this section does not allow me to 'bulk' edit the receipts. Any hacks? Thanks

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MediPaper.

    For receipts, you'll still have to put in everything by hand. For bills, if you're mostly entering similar products, you could create them ahead of time in the "Products and Services" list, and pre-assign them categories. It'll help for common purchases, at least.

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    MediPaperMediPaper Member Posts: 9

    Yup, so hence the idea to streamline it more for the end user. Thanks so much. Keep up the great work.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    You're very welcome, @MediPaper! And thanks again for the feedback!

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    HillyHilly Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @MediPaper.

    Some good news, then! You can categorize transactions in bulk. From what I can see, you're on the older version of Wave, so here's how you do this.

    You'll have to select multiple transactions by clicking the checkbox to their left. Once that's done, click on the "Categorize to" drop-down menu, to the left of the Transfer button, on top of the page. Choose the right account and you're done! You can also do this in the new version of Wave. The process is a little different.

    You can't do this on the apps, since neither of our apps allows access to the Transactions part of Wave. We do have great plans for the future when it comes to mobile support, but I don't have details to share yet.

    Payment accounts still need to be selected manually when you create a transaction.

    As for tags, vendor and customer tags can't be added on the transactions page in the old version of Wave. You'll be able to do that on the new version. We're working on upgrading everyone in the next few months, so it's coming!

    When can I use the new version of Wave! Is there a time-frame for this to roll out to me? I desperately in love with bulk categorization! Big thanks to all developers!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hilly,

    You can do it in the old version as well. The process is nearly the same. Just select the transactions to categorize and find the "Categorize into" drop-down menu, next to the "Transfer" button. Choose a category there and Wave will change the category for each selected transaction.

    We're currently mid-migration and working hard to bring the new version to every Waver as soon as we can, but we have to be careful to ensure the integrity of your data. We're hoping to be done in the next few months, but we don't have an exact timeline to offer just yet.

    We did start rolling out an automatic categorization system recently. You can read more about it here.

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    HillyHilly Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alexa, thanks for your reply. What I talked about was the tax and vendor categorization. My business is new, I don't mind start again from scratch as with this new categorization I can do it much faster than going ahead with the current manual way. Is there any way to sign up for the new version now for a new business? Cheers.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hilly, apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Note that taxes and vendors aren't applied automatically to transactions in the new version. You can tag transactions with specific vendors, which is a quick process, but it isn't automated. What was automated is the filling of the "Category" field of transactions uploaded from a bank connection.

    All new accounts created in Wave use the new version, so all you have to do is create a completely new account with Wave.

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    TimKTimK Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @Hilly, apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Note that taxes and vendors aren't applied automatically to transactions in the new version. You can tag transactions with specific vendors, which is a quick process, but it isn't automated. What was automated is the filling of the "Category" field of transactions uploaded from a bank connection.

    All new accounts created in Wave use the new version, so all you have to do is create a completely new account with Wave.

    Is there a plan or timeline on automating the Vendor automation? The category automation is a big help already!

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