
App feature - add expenses without receipt

MediPaperMediPaper Member Posts: 9

Hi, I would like to request another feature, which is to add expenses without a receipt. An example could be the payment of public transport by payment card (Oyster, Octopus, whatever other sea creature card). These can be logged as a company expense but there are no receipts. Would be great to add these while on the go. Adding them at the end of the month generally means being clueless on the expenses without a receipt.


edited August 29, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MediPaper.

    I don't have details to give just yet, but we're working on improving our offerings when it comes to mobile support. For now, it's limited to just receipts and invoices, but we know how useful it would be to Wavers if we could offer more. We've been listening to your feedback and we have awesome things in the works.

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    MediPaperMediPaper Member Posts: 9

    Thank you, Alexia, I will eagerly await the update. Thanks for the heads up.

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