Printing-What you see is not what you get

ArclightArclight Member Posts: 2

I occasionally have to print off invoices to give to older clients, the problem is the formatting seems to change if I print directly from Wave. On my invoices there is a red bar which contains the column titles, such as Description Cost etc;. This red bar disappears when its printed, which makes reading the titles difficult as they're a pale grey. If I save it as a PDF and print from that it prints fine.


  • OrionsBeltsOrionsBelts Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    @Arclight, are you sure you're just not printing in greyscale when you print straight from your browser?

  • NWTCNWTC Member Posts: 3

    I have the same problem.

    The blue background to the column headings isn't being printed when I print direct from Wave but is printed if I export the invoice to PDF and print it from there.

    Printing in greyscale isn't the cause because my four-colour company logo prints just fine on the invoice header.

    Font sizes are different, too.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @NWTC Hey there. If you could please send me a DM of your business name and email address, I would be happy to further investigate why this would be happening on your invoice (when you print it from Wave).

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