Stripe account showing no data

cragratsbcncragratsbcn Member Posts: 2


I have set up the Stripe connection and have had invoices paid in Wave with the customers paying by credit card. However, there is no data showing in my Stripe account. Is there something I have missed during the connection setup?




  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @cragratsbcn.

    From what I can see on my end, everything is set up just fine. I'm not seeing an invoice payment, however.

    Did the invoice register as paid on Wave? Did you receive a payment notification via email?

    You might want to check in with your client to make sure the money was taken from their credit card.

    We'll figure out what happened :)

  • cragratsbcncragratsbcn Member Posts: 2


    Thanks for your reply. So I've sent over 30 invoices all have been paid and money has been sent to my bank account which makes me think the payment process is working smoothly. It's just the Stripe account isn't recognising any of these events

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @cragratsbcn.

    I followed up asking for more information in a private message. Can you reply to me there?

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