
Signatures on Reciepts

SamanthamillsRMTSamanthamillsRMT Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to include a signature on the receipt? Its required for my profession and I wasn't sure if there was a way to include it! Thanks!!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SamanthamillsRMT.

    It isn't possible to add anything to the receipts you send out after one of your invoices is paid out, but I'd love to hear more about your needs here. Is this a requirement specific to your state? What are the exact requirements? Maybe I can offer a workaround or suggestion.

    Could you put a signature as part of your invoice's logo and send a copy marked as paid instead of a receipt directly?

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    TorontoPsychologistTorontoPsychologist Member Posts: 4

    I'm following up on this request - this is something required for most healthcare professions for the purposes of insurance receipts. It is also the case in Canada. Any progress on adding this feature?

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @TorontoPsychologist ,

    This feature isn't currently on our roadmap for new features I'm afraid, but thank you for reaching out to add your feedback and provide additional context around why this would be useful for you! Our developers are always looking through Community for potential features to add.

    For the meantime, what I suggest is to save a copy of the receipt, and sign it electronically or physically, then send this to your client outside of Wave. To do so, head to Sales > Invoices, open the invoice, click Send a receipt, and instead of sending it, copy and paste the link to view the receipt online into a new browser tab. Here you can select to print the page, and choose to save it as a PDF instead :smile:

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