Recurring invoice: how to schedule payment reminders

I use Recurring invoices a lot for my clients with website maintenance contract and hosting. And that's great! But then I realised that, in the recurring invoice set up, I cannot save the scheduling payment reminders in the settings below:
However, it is possible, only once the invoice has been issued (from the recurring schedule). So I have to manually Edit the invoice and add the reminder:
A bit missing for an automation that is supposed to save time, and reduce the delay to get paid by clients! How could I do to add these reminder settings?
Kind regards,
Hi, @Hervé.
The way you're doing it is the only way to do this in Wave right now. You currently can't set automatic reminders to recurring invoices. I'll forward your suggestion to our team.
I see that you are in a country where we offer payment processing. I don't know if that's something that would be interesting to you, but if you did accept credit card payments directly through Wave, you could set up automatic billing for recurring invoices. You can read more about our payment processing over here.
Automatic reminders for recurring invoices is something that would be of great benefit to me. Obviously for auto-pay clients this is not an issue, but for those who choose to initiate their own online payment, it would be extremely beneficial.
My invoices are all sent on the 1st of the month and are due upon receipt. If they're not paid by the 7th, a late charge is added.
An if-then scenario would be perfect: If payment isn't received by noon on the 6th, an automatic reminder would tell the client that they have until the next day to pay or they will be assessed the late fee (per policy).
In fact, would there be a way for Wave to add a late fee fee along with this?
Thank you.
Thank you so much for your feedback, @Piano_Teacher_01852. We really appreciate your taking the time to share.
Thanks, Alexia. Wave is the first-ever accounting software I've used. Hoping to learn and grow with it.
Has any update been processed about this topic? I have been manually doing this each month and just finished spending just over an hour tonight going thru each unpaid invoice and updating reminders. This would be very helpful if I could set it up once and forget about it with the other automation of the invoice.
Thank you
Hi @GoBrownie . This is currently not yet available on recurring invoices. Thanks for keeping this thread going and providing us with further feedback on it.
Please add auto reminders to reoccurring invoices. It really is time consuming having to go through and manually remind all overdue reoccurring invoices.
It is indeed a pain in the rear to have to manually set the reminders only after the invoice is created, automation would be very nice...
Add another vote to have automatic reminders scheduled automatically to recurring invoices. Not having this feature is indeed a pain.