Clearing Aged Receivables

JulianJulian Member Posts: 2

Hi @Alexia I am trying to clear my Receivables, there are a few small balances such as: ($0.01), etc. What could I do to get them off my Aged Receivables listing?

edited August 7, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Julian.

    There are occasionally issues with rounding on bills entered into Wave. We're working on resolving this, but that resolution isn't quite ready just yet.

    In the meantime, you'll have to go to these bills and add a line item called "rounding adjustment" for the amount of the error. That'll get around this issue for the time being.

    Let me know if you run into any problems!

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