Uploading from csv to Credit card acc; deposits get read as withdrawals and vice versa

MarcJMarcJ Member Posts: 1

The csv I download from my bank has purchases with a negative sign and deposits without a sign.
In Wave my purchases (negative sign) get uploaded as deposits; and my deposits (no sign) get uploaded as Withdrawals.
I presume this is because the negative is being read as "reducing" the balance on the account; and vice versa.
I don't see an option when uploading to swith the interpretation around.
When I edit the csv to chang ethe signs, Wave then says it doesn't recognise the file - it can't find the Date, description, and Amount columns


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MarcJ.

    You're on the right path here. You will have to go in and change those signs yourself.

    Can you share a screenshot of your CSV file to give us a better idea of what might be happening? Make sure to obscure any personal information from there.

    When you edit your CSV, what program do you use? I find that Google Sheets tends to work best.

    I moved your discussion from Forum Rules to the Troubleshooting category. You'll get better visibility there. Please be mindful of the category under which you post your discussion in the past. Posting them in the right place makes it easier for everyone to find them.

    edited August 7, 2018
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