
How to generate statement that shows services, not just "invoice 1". Also PDF

btoskybtosky Member Posts: 1

So, I am considering using wave instead of upgrading my quickbooks, but I need it to generate official looking pdf statements... not emails that hotlink "invoice 1" and ask for an online payment. Is there any way to customize the statement and then pdf it, so I have control of what my customers receive? Print or email? I do not ever want the wave program to ask them for money over the internet, and the statement needs to be detailed. I also don't like the hotlinks on it. Its default doesn't look professional. There must be a way to customize it. thanks.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @btosky.

    You don't have to sign up for our payment processing service if you don't want to. If you aren't signed up for payment processing, your clients won't have the option to pay invoices online at all.

    If you'd like to send invoices to your clients directly, you can just download them as PDF and send them out however you feel is best. You'll just have to mark them as "Sent" manually after saving them.

    If you're looking for longer customer statements, there is currently no way to customize these or download them as PDFs. Some users have used PDF creation browser extensions to export them as PDF files. It's not a perfect solution, but it still might help out.

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