
How to retrieve a deleted payment

rosie001rosie001 Member Posts: 5

I accidentally deleted a payment received and can no longer find it to reconcile against the invoices it relates to. How can I retrieve this payment?

Thank you.


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    CarlosCarlos Member Posts: 1

    I also am looking for a similar answer. I recently noticed that I have deleted or some was deleted invoice that was in June, that is no longer in my records of payment that was made. How can I retrieve that invoice?

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    Briella83Briella83 Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    As far as I know, @rosie001 @Carlos, you can't. You'll just have to recreate those. @Alexia can probably give more details, but from my own experience, when you delete something in Wave, it's gone.

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    rosie001rosie001 Member Posts: 5
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @rosie001.

    @Briella83 is right. When you delete a transaction, invoice, receipts or almost anything else in Wave, it's deleted entirely.

    We take privacy very seriously at WaveHQ. If you don't want records of something to be kept, we won't keep it. There are a few exceptions that relate to our paid services and the government regulations we have to follow, but as a rule, if something is deleted on Wave, we don't keep that data around either.

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    rosie001rosie001 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you Alexia. I didn't actually delete the invoice - just the line showing that the payment had come in. I was splitting the payment between two invoices (which I don't find to be the easiest job) and accidentally deleted it. I have managed to reconcile it a different way now, so my records are still correct.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    That's a fair criticism, @rosie001.

    Did you end up handling it through a split transaction on the Transactions page, with each side categorized as a payment for a different invoice?

    We offer a few different ways to split a payment this way in an article in the Help Centre. It might help out!

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    rosie001rosie001 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks @Alexia :) that looks useful - I will have a read through!

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