
Income tax for self employed

HadassaHadassa Member Posts: 1

Hi I’m self employed but not registered as a company therefore I can not pay for my own tax. I can’t find an option on the app to add a deduction for income tax. Anyone could please help me. I would hate to have to stop using the app. Thank you so much.

edited August 29, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hadassa.

    Wave is not built for tax accounting, but for management accounting. While a few of our reports can help you fill in your taxes, it's not a platform for filing your income taxes, and as such, you'll be won't find features relating to income taxes. What Wave does is help you get insight on your business' numbers, so you can run that business as efficiently as possible.

    My suggestion here would be to talk to an accountant. I'm not a tax expert and I can't give advice relating to handling income taxes. Given how delicate these things can be, reaching out to a specialist who's familiar with the rules of your tax administration is your best course of action.

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