Can't add certain products to invoices

HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

Hello! I reported this issue yesterday directly to Wave, but wondered if anyone else is having the same problem. As of 8/10 we are having problems adding products/services to invoices using the web interface. We have only three products. When creating or editing an invoice and clicking "Add an item," all three products show up in the pop up dialogue, but only the first one can be selected or used. Clicking on either of the other two just closes the pop up dialogue box. I've tried using both Chrome and Edge, disabling add ons and ad blockers, accepting all cookies, etc. with no luck. This only seems to be a problem with the web interface...the mobile interface is working as expected. But we're currently transitioning to Wave from another app so I'm doing a lot of data entry to get all of this year's transactions into Wave, and doing lots of data entry on a phone isn't ideal. Anyone else having a similar issue, or any suggestions on how to work around this other than using the mobile app?


  • HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

    Just got a reply from my direct bug report to Wave...this is now fixed! I am seriously impressed by the quick turnaround on this issue!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear it, @HandymanHeadlee!

    Let us know if you run into any other issues, or if this comes back!

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