
New to Wave | Questions re Estimates

Lisa_7206Lisa_7206 Member Posts: 15

Hi All

I recently shifted from Sage One online to Wave and I am loving it...
My name is Lisa, and we have a small signage business in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

I would like to however ask if there is setting option whereby I can request a PDF to be emailed along with the Estimate (as it does with the invoice)?

And then furthermore, will Waveapps be adding an Estimate option to the phone app in the near future?

I look forward to hearing the feedback. Have a good day a :):):):) ll...


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Lisa_7206.

    Welcome to Wave! Happy to hear you're enjoying the experience thus far! We have some pretty cool things planned for the future as well, so it'll only get better!

    It isn't possible to do this for the time being, but you can export a PDF copy of an estimate by clicking on that estimate and clicking on "More". Your customer can also download a PDF copy of the invoice from the invoice link. They'll see a button saying "Download PDF" on the top-left of the invoice.

    We're aware that there are a lot of improvements still to be done to our Estimates page, and we always appreciate feedback. I'll make sure to forward yours to our developers.

    As for estimates on mobile, well... I can only tell you that we have big plans for the near future when it comes to using Wave on mobile, but I don't have details or a timeline to share. I can also add that we've received this suggestion quite a lot, and we do pay close attention to the feedback our users send in.

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    Lisa_7206Lisa_7206 Member Posts: 15

    Hi Alexia,
    Thank you so much for your feedback.
    I am really enjoying waveapps and look forward to seeing your plans going forward.
    The reason I actually asked specifically about the Estimates on the phone app is because I am going away for a week in March next year, but will still need to be able to process estimates during that time - hence it would be easier to do on my phone rather than look for a PC to log into.
    But I will worry about that when the time comes :-)

    Have a wonderful day, and thanks again for your response.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Lisa_7206.

    I can't make any promises, but I'll let the team know! It's hard enough to find time for a vacation as a small business owner! I'd love to get to tell you we'll make that easier.

    It might be inconvenient, and it might not work perfectly, but you could log in to the website on your phone's browser. Wave isn't optimized for that for now and that would make this process a little awkward at best, but it might be worth testing out if we haven't released something official before next March.

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    Lisa_7206Lisa_7206 Member Posts: 15

    Thank you so much Alexia :-)

    Have a lovely day!

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