PLEASE HELP - Something went wrong while loading your report

LoynamCALoynamCA Member Posts: 6

It keeps happening the whole time. what can be wrong?


  • LoynamCALoynamCA Member Posts: 6

    This is what i get when i want to check Sales tax in settings.

  • LoynamCALoynamCA Member Posts: 6

    Im actualy in the test stage of the system, i would like to make use of it but i cannot afford to sit with this type of errors that cant be sorted. thanks for your help.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @LoynamCA.

    Do you operate in multiple currencies? I know there's an issue with applying a tax to transactions in different currencies that we're looking to resolve. If that's your case, let me know. We'll dig deeper and find a workaround. Otherwise, I would love your help with investigating what's causing this issue so we can work towards a resolution.

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