
Add email to invoice header

SteveRSteveR Member Posts: 4

How do you add a contact email address to header/contact section of an invoice? There's a field for url, mobile phone and fax, but I can't see where to add an email address without poaching a field that's meant for something else.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SteveR.

    You can't currently add an email address to the address block for your business. With that said, your client will see your email as part of your contact information in the invoice email your client receives.

    If you need your email on the invoice itself, you'll have to either enter it in a field it wasn't originally meant for, or in the Notes or Footer section of your invoice.

    Can I ask more details as to why you would need your email address to feature there? I can think of a few reasons, but I'd love to hear more about your specific needs. Is it because you send printed versions of your invoices or simply because the address block feels incomplete without that line?

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    SteveRSteveR Member Posts: 4

    So there’s a field for a fax number but not email? That’s disappointing and a bit dated. I don’t plan on sending any invoices through wave and will send all of them as a .pdf (my clients don’t need/want to know what accounting software I use). It’s not essential, but I’ve always thought that you should be incredibly easy to contact and your contact info should be everywhere. Also seems like such a simple thing to overlook.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SteveR

    I understand how this would come off as dated and why you'd expect this field to appear as part the address block. I'll forward your feedback to our product team. Thank you!

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    GemmaGemma Member Posts: 2

    Hello! I think it is really out dated that there is a field for Fax and not one for email. I am a new user of Wave - so it did not reassure me that I was joining a contemporary company when I was offered "fax" as the only option?! Also I do not like that any extra info you add to your invoice is in faint type and there is no option for customizing your type font. I would have hoped for many more options to customize my invoice.

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    cbuxcbux Member Posts: 1

    +1 on this - pretty crazy to have included fax but overlooked email

    @SteveR @Gemma a workaround is just to put the email address in the fax number field as it shows up in the right place on the actual invoice :)

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